PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE Ghada Jamal Shabana Rula Farouq Al Farr’a
Objectives: Students are expected to: Use the Present Simple Tense correctly.
Use the Present Simple Tense correctly
Parts of the sentence: Adam drinks coffee every morning. subject verb object
I speak two languages. He speaks two languages. INFINITIVE ( speak ) 1. I 2. we 3. you 4. they INFINITIVE + ( s – es) ( speaks ) 1. He 2. She 3. It
Choose the correct answer: cleans 1. Samy ……………… his room every day. ( clean /cleans ) 2. Rami and Ruba ………………... the family car on Fridays. (wash / washes ) wash
do does NOT Negative sentences I ………….………. fast food. ( not / like ). don’t like I ………….………. fast food. ( not / like ). Sarah ……..………….. fast food. ( not / like ). doesn’t like NOT do does
Do / Does Questions Wh- questions – Yes/No questions Wh- questions Wh- question word+ helping v.+ subject+ verb+….? What/you/prefer to eat at dinner? What do you prefer to eat?
Yes/No questions Helping v. + subject + main verb + ….? Do / Does he / work / in this company? Does he work in this company?
always– usually – normally – frequently – every - …. Present simple Tense Facts - habits Use always– usually – normally – frequently – every - …. Keywords infinitive + (infinitive+ s/es) Affirmative sentence (don’t+ infinitive)–(doesn’t + infinitive) Negative sentence Wh- question word+ helping v.+ subject + infinitive+……? Wh- questions Helping v. + subject + infinitive + …....? Yes/No question
Be careful Ahmad is a good manager. Verbs to ( be ) I do my homework everyday. Verbs to ( do ) He has a big flat. Verbs to ( have )
Good bye