Leonardo P. de Carvalho et al. BTS 2018;3:163-175 MACCE-Free Survival Plots of Patients Grouped by Multiceramide Species Signature to Predict Time to MACCE in the Discovery and Validation Cohorts (A) Kaplan-Meier survival plots of patients stratified via GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) score cut-off value n cut-off = 141 in the discovery (Singapore) cohort and validation (Christchurch) cohort. (B) Kaplan-Meier survival plots of patients stratified via a 12-ceramide plasma signature in the discovery (Singapore-Asian) cohort and validation (Christchurch-Caucasian) (SACCH) cohort. (C) Kaplan-Meier survival plots of patients stratified via the plasma ceramide Cer(18.1/22.1) level in the discovery (Singapore-Asian) cohort and validation (Christchurch-Caucasian) cohort. Red indicates high-risk subgroup and blue indicates low-risk subgroup. MACCE = major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events. Leonardo P. de Carvalho et al. BTS 2018;3:163-175 2018 The Authors