City of Houston Retired Employees Obligations Bill King
Pension Plans Three Plans State law mandates defined-benefit plans Police Fire All other Municipal Employees State law mandates defined-benefit plans Contributions to trust fund City Employee Trust fund administration (also mandated by state law)
Categories of Obligations Pension Plans Underfunding Pension Bonds Retiree Health Benefits Totally unfunded
Funding Adequacy Measuring adequacy of funding Variables – actuarial & investment return assumptions 8.5% rate of return on investments Actuarial Studies - Annually as June 30
City Contributions Contributions in 2010 = $233 million More than Parks, Library, Health & Solid Waste Departments, combined Projected contributions in 2020 = $505 Million Will be about ½ of all property taxes collected by the City at that time
Unfunded Liability - Actuarial Calculation 2010 Actuarial Studies $2.3 Billion Pension Bonds $.6 Billion Total $2.9 Billion
Unfunded Liability - Market Value Calculation 2010 Actuarial Studies $3.8 Billion Pension Bonds $.6 Billion Total $4.4 Billion
Funding History
Unfunded Liability Continues to Grow
Retiree Health Benefits Estimated Liability as of June 30, 2006 $3.0 Billion Annual Cost 2002 - $21 Million 2010 - $59 Million
City’s “official” numbers Perspective City’s “official” numbers Worst case Per Capita $2,521 $3,826 City’s Net Assets ($3.4 Billion) 1.7X 2.8X City’s Annual Budget ($3 Billion) 1.9X 3.1X City’s Total Bonded Debt ($13 Billion) 45% 68% City’s Annual Property Tax Collections ($830 Million) 7.2X 11.2X