Way to go Sight Word Smarties! Mrs. Williams’ Whiz Kids September 26th-30th, 2016 Sight Word List 2 : THE/LITTLE/INTO/IT/WILL/ANY/AS/ SAID/HIM/USE What we are learning: Reading: Recognizing /A/ /a/ How are flowers unique? Character, Setting High Frequency Words: I, have, to, the, is, a Language Arts: Identify and use nouns for more than 1 Math : Topic 4 Comparing and Ordering Numbers 0 to 10 Science: What are living and non-living things? Social Studies: Who is Johnny Appleseed? Johnny Appleseed Birthday September 26th We will celebrate Johnny Appleseed all week! Sight Word Smarties! This is where we will celebrate who has passed their sight word list each week! I will be checking sight words each day. Way to go Whiz Kids! Remember, everyone must pass List 2 by September 30th, this Friday!!! Way to go Sight Word Smarties! Issic Easton-List 1 Aliyah-List 1 Vanelle Aiden Karis-List 1,2 Kelsey-List 1 Rey Lizzie-List 1 Natalie-List 1 Jaden-List 1 ,2,3,4 Martin-List 1 Candace Dylan Jose-List 1 Nadalee-List 1,2 Important Dates: MONDAYS: Ice Cream day for kindergarten. $.50 for cups $1.00 for specialty cones. September 28th:Alabama/Auburn Day September 29th:Tie Dye Day/Neon Day September 30th:Jemison Day Sight Word List 2 Test October 3rd: Students should know all uppercase/lowercase letters and sounds. Homework: *Practice all letters and sounds nightly *Practice sight words nightly *Practice Recognizing numbers and counting to 20 nightly *Review Sight Words each night! Reminders: *If you need to have a conference with me, please call and schedule a time! *Please send in a Primary Writing Journal (K-2) for our morning writing work. These can be purchased at Walmart (blue cover). *We have a reading assessment every Friday. Please make sure you check your child’s graded papers on Monday! My contact information: 205-280-4820 mkwilliams@chilton.k12.al.us Please contact me if you have any questions!