What does a good church look like? Discussion question What does a good church look like?
Ecclesiology THE CHURCH
What is the church?
Greek words Ekklesia- the called out ones Kuriakon- belonging to the Lord
What do we mean by the word, church?
The universal church All members of God’s family in all places for all times. All Christians past, present, and future, located throughout the world
The local church A local group of Christians who meet together a specific location Where do you go to church?
What is the church supposed to do?
What is the church supposed to do? To Glorify God Edify (Build up) its members Purify its members To share the gospel and make disciples Show God’s goodness and combat evil
What are some descriptions or metaphors of the church?
What are some descriptions or metaphors of the church? The body of Christ A Building for Christ (esp. 1 Peter) The bride of Christ
What are the ordinances of the church? Ordinances (Sacraments,Rites) are activities that are practiced by the church. Churches vary on what should be practiced, how it should be practiced, and what each activity specifically communicates to us.
What are the ordinances of the church?