Destiny Spry (Tiara Ahu) Electronic Portfolios
What are electronic portfolios? E-portfolios are a learning and assessment tool. They are a digitized collection of artifacts that included demonstrations, resources,, and accomplishments that present an individual, group, or institution. There are three types of E-portfolios: 1. Student E-portfolios 2. Teaching E-portfolios 3. Institutional E-portfolios
Defining the three types of e-portfolios Student E-portfolios: is electronic mode, students collect their work, and showcase it, and reflect on what they have learned. Teaching E-portfolios: serves as documentation of skills and accomplishments for advancement. Also used for critical reflection and learning purposes. Institutional E-portfolios: incorporate student and teaching E-portfolios, and selects authentic work, data and analysis and serves for reflection, learning, and improvement.
Challenges that students might have with e-portfolios… Difficult to share and distribute. Time consumptive to develop and maintain. Can be space consumptive. Work sometimes gets lost. Children might get confused and will want to quit.
The differences you ask… E-portfolios like I said before is a new advanced learning tool, and lets the kids have a way to go back and look how much they have improved over the years. Also, E-portfolios can be managed and organized to create different applications and to control who can see the work. E- portfolios encourages personal reflection and often exchanged ideas and feedback, and is text- based, graphic, or multimedia elements on a web-site or any other electronic media. Yes, Traditional Assessment is a good tool but its been around for some time has really not changed over the years. The Traditional Assessment is assigned to measure the students learning with multiple choice tests, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and matching which has remained common in education. But you have question is this right for our students? Is this really showing the student's nor the teachers what a child is capable of?....
E-portfolios components Plan educational program; Document knowledge, skills, abilities, and learning; Track development within a program; Evaluate a course; Monitor an evaluate performance; To see a growth; A writing process that the students can talk about through their learning, and reflection process; Present it!! Online working.
the use of e-portfolios E-portfolios is a process, but it shows dramatic evidence that students do assessed in using E- portfolios. E-portfolios captures learning not through a test that you have to answer multiple choice, or true/ false answers, but having the students document their abilities, skill, and knowledge through the year. Also, planning a educational program that they can achieve. They can evaluate the performance they have made over the years and see it online and be proud of how far they have become. These students are going to grow up and want to go get a job and can share this with a employer to show how far they have come, or can use it in a specific learning outcomes in a course that incudes description, rationale, and discussion digital artifacts, which can be presented in a PowerPoint that reflects and evaluates.
Benefits of a written or a video reflection A written reflection yes, is just as good as a video but a video is a little bit more easier to see how much the student has improved. A video reflection you can see how far a student has improved by the way he or she talks. There speech or word choice is better and their grammar is better too. Yes, you can see that in a written document but in everyday life, things go missing and doesn’t sound right. A written paper can be lost or can be over analyzed to may times, that it doesn’t sound good so, than it doesn’t seem that student has not improved. Video reflection has an impact on the students because they can video tape themselves at the beginning of the year and see who and what they knew and than video tape there selves at the end of the year and see how far they have came and can save it forever and if so can present it to others showing what E-portfolios is all about and how it has helped them along the way.
Why we need e-portfolios Enhances users technological capacity as they become more proficient users of software and other tools. Emphasis on student-centered active learning. Transitions between employment and education, it can help the student in the future in getting a job. It engages the students into learning more and online, E-PORTFOLIOS CAPTURES LEARNING IN A NEW WAY!!
Thanks For listening, Destiny Spry Pick E-portfolios!!!! Thanks For listening, Destiny Spry