Counseling in family
Definition Interaction process that facilitate meaningful understanding of self and environment and result in the establishment of goals and values for future behavior
Need /Reason for counseling in family -family planning, conflict resolution, health, stress management, rehabilitation, crisis intervention, carrier development, self development, exercise, sanitation, preventive measures etc.
Principles of counseling - counseling is unique to an individual - counseling is concerned with total individuality - counseling is goal oriented, goal directed - counseling is a continuous process - counseling should be based on reliable data - counseling should be flexible
Phases of counseling -appointment and establishing relationship -assessment -diagnosis -setting goal -intervention -termination and follow up
Types of counseling -orientation service -information service -developmental counseling -preventive counseling -facilitative counseling -crisis counseling
Techniques of counseling 1) Insight therapy -family is talking about their experiences, so get an understanding of their difficulties 2)Behavioral therapy -Focus on changing behavioral pattern 3) Biomedical therapy -Use of drugs to help to manage health problem
Approaches of counseling Directive counselor and counselee Non directive counselee use his own inner resources to solve problem Eclectic use directive and non directive approaches It arises when inappropriate knowledge of family matters
Problem of counseling -resistance of counselee -counselor with different culture -counseling individual with strong emotions -counselor burn out -lack of physical facilities