Newsletter September 2013 Contacts During sessions: Out of hours : Autumn term Welcome back, we hope you had an enjoyable summer and a big hello to all our new children and their parents who are joining Bizzy Bears this term. This term our themes will be focused on settling the children in to Pre school, and we will also be celebrating autumn and harvest. Newsletter Self registration name cards As those of you who were with us last year will have noticed, the childrens self-registration names have changed slightly this year. This is due to some ideas that were gained from Lauras visit to Hungary last year as part of her Early Years Foundation degree. The children are not always able to recognise their own names initially. The idea is that the childrens names and peg cards match with the same picture, enabling the children to first recognise their picture and then their own name. We shall encourage the children to thread the names onto the board in the main hall, from left to right, to increase their awareness of print being read and written from left to right. We shall also display numbers on this board to encourage the childrens number recognition. Childrens belongings Please can parents/carers supply their child with a pair of indoor and outdoor shoes which are easy for them to attempt to put on as we encourage all our children to help with getting dressed and undressed. Could we also ask that all coats, Pre school T shirts, sweatshirts and shoes are named to prevent lost items. Thank you Used uniform sale Parents of our summer leavers have kindly donated a large amount of used Pre school uniform. Due to this we will be holding a used uniform sale on Wednesday 25 th September from 9.15am.
Tempest Photography On Monday October 7 th we have a photographer coming into Pre-School to take individual and family photographs. All children and families are welcome, the photographer will be at Bizzy Bears from 8.45 am. Please see a member of staff to arrange a time slot if your child is not in that day or if you wish your child to have their photograph taken with siblings. If you do not want your childs photograph taken please inform a member of staff. Two Year old Early funded learning and Three year old funding. Parents of children eligible for the Autumn term funding will need to complete a Parent/carer contract which are attached to this letter. You will need to provide your childs birth certificate (if we do not already have a copy) and a current utility bill displaying your postcode. We are required to retain a copy of each childs birth certificate and utility bill, these will be kept in a safe and secure file only accessible to the Northamptonshire county council when required. A member of staff will be available from 9.15 am and 2.45 pm to collect this information and to assist with filling in forms if needed. All forms need to be completed and handed in by Monday 16 th September. Childrens Profiles Each child at Bizzy Bears has their own special book (profile) to record their development. In your childs special book are observations, pieces of work and photographs showing the learning and development that they have achieved. As a Parent/carer you know more about your child than anyone else. We would like you to share learning, achievements, experiences or new events that take place outside of Pre school through sending in notes, post its or photographs which we will include in your childs special book. The children enjoy looking through their special books and talking about activities and events that they have participate in. Your childs special book is available for you to see when ever you wish. They are also shared with parents/carers during open mornings/afternoon and at our twice yearly parents evenings. Two Year old Funded Early Learning If you are a parent/carer of a 2 year old and receive certain benefits you could be entitled to 15 hours/six sessions of free early learning (not including lunch club) a maximum of 570 hours per year(depending on spaces). To find out if you are eligible please go to If you are eligible you will be given a reference number which you will need to give to us to apply for the funding. To claim funding for this Autumn term Sept– Dec we will need to receive your reference number, a copy of your childs birth certificate and a utility bill displaying your current postcode which is no older than 3 months by headcount day which is Thursday September 19 th.