Annotating Poetry TPCASTTD
T-Title Before reading, take notice of the title and write an inference that can be made.
P-Paraphrase As you read, summarize each stanza in your own words.
C-Connotation Mark words you do not know, use context clues to find write the meaning.
A-Attitude (tone and mood) Somewhere near the top of the page, write the tone and mood of the piece.
S-Syntax and Shifts Syntax (sentence structure)-is the poem written with simple sentences, complex sentences, or a combination? Shifts-Does the poem make any changes?
TT-Title Two After reading, go back to the title to assess its accuracy.
D-Denotation and Devices Denotation-look up the words you do not know in the dictionary. Devices (literary) identify and label all literary devices.