Titian’s Venetian Venuses f Presented by Jessie Busch ARTH470z Fall 2008
Venus Anadyomene (Venus Rising from the Sea) 1520
l. Praxiteles Aphrodite of Knidos, 350-30 BC r. Doidalsas Crouching Aphrodite (Roman copy) 250-240 BCE
Antonio Lombardo Venus Anadyomene, 1516
Venus with a Mirror, 1555, NGA
l. Giovanni Bellini, Venus or Lady with a Mirror, after 1515
Giorgione, Laura 1506
Young Woman with Fur, 1535
Venus with an Organist and Cupid, 1548
Venus with an Organist and a Dog, 1550
Top: Giorgione Sleeping Venus, 1510 Bottom: Jacopo Palma Reclining Venus, 1518-20
Michelangelo, Venus and Amor
Venus and Adonis, 1553
Michelangelo, Libyan Sibyl, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Rome 1508-12
Sacred and Profane Love, 1515
Venus of Urbino, 1538
l. Flora, 1515 r. La Bella 1536-38