Wednesday 9:08 Fill 3214 dumped by OP after 5:26 hours in stable beams


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Presentation transcript:

Wednesday 24.10. 9:08 Fill 3214 dumped by OP after 5:26 hours in stable beams Delivered luminosity: ATLAS/CMS: 95 pb-1 LHCb: 7.7 pb-1 Preparing for high beta* fill: HighBeta_4TeV_2012 hypercycle Change BLM monitor factors for 21 monitors Masked all BLM's, BPM's, RF, collimators and TCDQ in SIS + PIC Maskable Beam flag “VERY RELAXED” 9:45 RSD1.A67B2 tripped during ramp down (QPS signal)  pre-cycle this magnet 10:30 start of high beta* Fill 3215; 3 bunches + pilot (total intensity: 2.7E11 p) At injection B1H = 1.33 B2H = 1.48 B1V = 1.25 B2V = 1.44

12:10 reached 1000m beta* De-squeeze went smoothly; all tasks run from the sequencer 12:10 reached 1000m b* Trimmed tunes Qh B1 +.003, Qh B2 -.005 12:30 IP1 and IP5 optimized Alignment of TCPs Alignment of roman pots Beam mode “Quiet Beams” 15:52 moving TCPs to 2 sigma leads to massive losses: 31% of B1 and 74% of B2 lost by scraping TCP to 2.5 sigma and RP to 3 sigma  ready to take data when: 16:40 beam dump: Spurious opening of QPS switch on RB.A67 During cool down of dump resistors: flat beam squeeze settings tested, all beam processes executed without trip (Matteo)

Fill 32015 Set-up completed, just about to start data taking, when beams where dumped

Evening 20:00 injecting for fill 3216, emittances at injection: B1H = 1.55 B2H = 1.54 B1V = 1.31 B2V = 1.38 Emittances at flat top: B1H = 1.61 B2H = 1.72 B1V = 1.36 B2V = 1.41 Emittances at beta*=90m B1H = 1.71 B2H = 3.54 B1V = 1.29 B2V = 1.52 Emittances at 1km: B1H = 1.83 B2H = 3.31 B1V = 1.3 B2V = 2.24 21:51 arrived at 1000m beat* again; optimizing collisions; fast collimator alignement 22:45 Scraping with collimators to 3 sigma horizontal and 2 sigma vertical  massive losses B2 again (40%-50%), but less than last fill B1 losses, 35% of the non-colliding bunch after scraping

Night of very successful data taking ~ 23:15 start data taking (TCPV at 2.5 sigma, TCTH at 4/5 sigma and RP at 3) with a trigger rate of ~40Hz ~00:30 re-doing the exercise of scraping with the TCPVs to 2 sigma (and back to 2.5 sigma for data taking) 1:50 another TCPV scraping to 2 sigma 2:00 – 2:15 scraping with TCPH to 3 sigma (and back to 5 sigma), losses especially B2 due to the larger emittance 3:50 and 5:50 V+H scraping 7:00 sudden trop in lifetime especially B1 7:20 scraping again – longer tails in H

Pending Pending Accesses: LVDT TDI Pt2. Tunnel, 2 hours LBDS MKD-F-B1: check PC and generator. UA63 Radmon installation between Q5 and Q6 at IP1. 1 hour access, few hours pre-warning. Impact 21253 / D. Macina Gated BBQ installation for B2 (2 hours) in point 4 Plan for today: Undo changes (BLM thresholds, masking) LHCb polarity switch and low intensity ramp (2x6 bunches/beam) Physics fill (with controlled longitudinal blow-up at injection) During the day PS/SPS increasing satellite population for ALICE