YUMA, ARIZONA Estimated population of 90,041 in Yuma, Arizona Estimated population of 194,322 in Yuma County An estimated 85,000 winter visitors in Yuma County (Snowbirds)
DEMOGRAPHICS Median age in Yuma is 31 Large amount of families Near by Military base Median income is $39,885
CLIMATE AND LOCATION Near California and Mexico borders Temperature 60 miles from the Sea of Cortez Temperature Summer average of 107F Winter average of 70F Average annual rainfall of 3 in. USDA Zone 9 Yuma – The Sunniest Place on Earth
LOCATION Best location for mobile produce stand - East 24th Street Entrance to the Laurel community Good visibility Will not get in the way of construction
ACCESS Easy access for: Can be easily seen from paths Vehicles Bicycles Pedestrians Can be easily seen from paths
FARMSTAND Simple structure Easy access Shade Attractive surroundings Advertising
STRUCTURE Simple, rustic design Semi-permanent Shaded Hay bail structure as a sustainable option
SURROUNDING AREA Keep it simple No restaurant Picnic tables Easy parking
ADVERTISEMENT Big Farmer Billboards Along HWY 8
PLANT MATERIAL Characteristics Shade trees Mainly low water use Native to or adapted to Arizona climate Attractive Low maintenance
Texas Mountain Laurel Sophora secundiflora Small, evergreen multi-trunk tree High heat and drought tolerance Full sun to part shade
Foothill Palo Verde Cercidium microphyllum Small-medium, deciduous tree High heat and drought tolerance Full sun
Velvet Mesquite Prosopis velutina
Needs well drained soil Sweet Orange Citrus sinensis Evergreen 15-25 ft tall x 10-15 ft wide Full sun Do not let soil go completely dry Needs well drained soil
Varieties: Navel, Blood, Valencia Sweet Orange Citrus sinensis Varieties: Navel, Blood, Valencia
Needs well drained soil Lemon Citrus limon Evergreen 15-20 ft tall x 10-15 ft wide Full sun Do not let soil go completely dry Needs well drained soil Varieties: Ponderosa, Eureka, Lisbon
Needs well drained soil Grapefruit Citrus paradisi Evergreen 30 ft tall x 15-20 ft wide Full sun Do not let soil go completely dry Needs well drained soil Varieties: Ducan, Flame, Red Rush
The Saguaro Cactus Carnegiea gigantea Slow growing Can get 40 to 60 feet tall
Desert Rose Vauquelinia californica Large, evergreen shrub Light to moderate watering Excellent heat tolerance
Evening primrose Prosopis velutina Can grow up to 4in tall
Rock Rose Helianthemum nummularium Low-growing, evergreen groundcover Light to moderate watering Full sun
QUESTIONS What is your opinion on the location of the temporary produce stand? Will we be designing the small surrounding area by the stand or the whole entry? Is there a set plant list for the area? What is our role in the design of the permanent produce stand?