Nationalism Cont’d
The US Grows Manifest Destiny –belief in US right to dominate continent between oceans Louisiana Purchase 1803, Mexican-American War 1848 Regional Economies Northeast: Manufacturing, Urban, Free labor force South: Plantation economy, cash crops, slave labor Civil War 1861-1865 fought over slavery and federalism
Russia Economically behind western Europe Agriculture based economy Serfdom Few railroads
Crimean War 1853-1856 Russia and Ottoman Empires war over Russian expansion Britain and France come to aid of Ottomans High casualties Peace of Paris (1856) makes Dardanelles and Black Sea neutral, lands to be Romania freed from Russia New weapons, importance of press, divides Russia and Austria
Modern Reforms Czar Alexander II tries to “catch up” Abolishes serfdom “Zemstvo” creates local assemblies Legal equality and free courts Develop industry and rail lines Invite foreign investment industry Expand Russian territory
Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 War over influence in China and Korea Both want access to raw materials and markets Japan wins easily, humiliates Russia
Revolution of 1905 Various Russian groups rise up over losses to Japan, slow industrialization, lack of liberal government, working conditions Marked by “Bloody Sunday” Czars soldiers fire on peaceful protestors Czar’s October Manifesto Creates an empowered legislature, the “Duma” Universal suffrage Grants civil Liberties Czar Nicholas II dismisses the Duma, changes rules to favor wealthy landowners
Ottoman Decline Great Powers of Europe desire territory from “Dying man of Europe” decline Ethnic minorities seek independence in the Balkans Sultans attempt Western style reforms (the Tanzimat) Parliament and constitution Legal equality for religious minorities Modern administration and military Free trade
Liberal reforms can’t satiate the Balkans Western countries work for weak Ottoman Empire Religious tension persists “Young Turks” work for more liberal and modern reforms
Bismarck’s Germany Chancellor of Germany Kulturkampf Declares Germany a “satisfied power” Works for more united Germany Gains favor of elected Reichstag (parliament) Kulturkampf Effort to reduce influence of Catholic Church (fails) Secularized education Government approval of priests
Sets high grain tariffs, other countries follow Producers happy Diplomatic tensions rise Creates social security to weaken socialists Outlaws main socialist party Grows anyway, but less radical Bismarck dismissed by Kaiser William II (Wilhelm) r. 1888-1918