ancient Word Definition Picture Sentence Of times long ago The jar was part of the discovery of ancient Egyptian life.
link Word Definition Picture Sentence anything that joins or connects A link of the chain has been cut.
scholars Word Definition Picture Sentence People who are highly educated scholars Many scholars continue to learn new things throughout their lives.
seeker Word Definition Picture Sentence Someone who is searching or trying to find something seeker If you enjoy rock climbing, you must be a seeker of excitement.
temple Word Definition Picture Sentence Building used to worship a God or Gods. temple There are many carvings on the temple’s walls.
translate Word Definition Picture Sentence To change from one language to another Many people from Spain speak English, so someone will translate for you, if you travel there.
triumph Word Definition Picture Sentence Victory or success The team celebrated its triumph in the playoff match.
uncover Word Definition Picture Sentence to make known, reveal, or expose uncover The detective uncovered the mystery piece by piece.