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Sponsored Programs at Penn Reports for ORG and Award Management

Org and Award Management By utilizing BEN and Data Warehouse reports you can manage not only a specific award but all awards under your ORG While there are many listed above we will highlight some of the more useful reporting tools in this presentation…

Org Summary Report Business Objects Report for reviewing all funds within an ORG Tabs will group funds by PI or by possible issues such as deficits, receivable, end date, etc.

Grant Monitor Report Business Object Report similar to the Org Summary in layout but with different tabs Sections show PBIL/Budget issues, unallowable expenses, funds due to freeze, when budget periods are ending

133 Report – Funds Due to Close BEN Report that should be run on a monthly basis. Will show a list of funds for your Org that will be ending in the next 90 days. Will help you coordinate with the PI and ORS on closeouts or possible extensions

301 BEN Report BEN Report that will help you monitor your award budgets Shows Project, Direct, Indirect, and total Budgeted amounts Last column will show any variances between Total Budgeted and Project Budget

Receivables Information Fund Summary Award Amount Expense Totals Revenue Totals PI Title Dates Receivables Information Expense Detail Business Objects Report that can be run daily to monitor expenses on a fund Summarized information on first page with tabbed breakdown Has tabs with award history, line item expenses, and payroll information

Fund Summary - Expense Detail Expense detail tab on the fund summary shows line item expenses Filters can be used to drill down to find specific information by any data elements (object code, vendor, date, accounting period, etc)

Grant Reports Business Objects Report that be used during monthly PI meetings to compare expenditure rates for all his or her accounts Shows expense summaries for all funding sources for a PI regardless if it is sponsored or non-sponsored account

115 BEN Report BEN report that can be run daily to show summary of expenses. Functions much like the top section of the Business Objects Fund Summary report

Cost Transfer Report Business Objects Report that can be used search for costs transfers by date range and by category, batch name, fund, or BEN username. Helpful report to run in preparation for quarterly meetings with ORS.