Employment Services in Slovak Republic Life Long Guidance for Jobseekers: Development of Guidelines to Harmonize Career Guidance and Pathway Guidance 1st Peer Review Meeting, Brussels, March 13 – 14, 2008 Štefan Grajcár Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Bratislava, Slovak Republic stefan.grajcar@upsvar.sk
Background information population 5,4 mil. (2005) labour force 2,398 mil. (IV. Q 2007) those employed from all economically active population – 89,7 % (IV. Q 2007); employment rate as % of population aged 15-64 – 60,6% (males 67,8 %, females 53,5 %) unemployment rate (LFS, IV. Q 2007) – 275 300 persons, i. e. 10,3 %; index (2006=100) – 86,3 registered unemployment rate by January 2008 – 8,06 %, 242 417 persons structure of PES – 1 central office and 46 offices of labour, social affairs and family (transformation of social sector services applied since January 2004)
Where we live...and where we came from
Where we live...and where we came from
Let's go back to work...
Structure of registered disadvantaged jobseekers (2007) general by duration of unemployment spell by age by level of education
ISCED 1: elementary education; no qualification ISCED 3C (CoA): Certificate of Apprenticeship, 2-3 year courses ISCED 3A (MSLC+CoA): „Maturita“ School Leaving Certificate + CoA, 4 year courses ISCED 3A (MSLC-GEN): general education, 4-5 year courses ISCED 3A (MSLC-VET): vocational education 4-6 year courses ISCED 5+: postsecondary and higher education
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