Grathletes Pronouns and Adverbs
Pronouns Section 1
Promising Pronouns With Prof. Pronouns
Pronouns Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns, and help to keep you unnecessarily repeating nouns.
Pronouns... E.g. Jim was late so Jim ran to school. It is unnecessary repeat if the noun.
More Pronouns The easier thing to say would be: Jim was late so he ran to school. But be careful they can be confusing.
Confusing Pronouns 1 E.g. I locked my suitcase in the car and then it was stolen. It is unclear what was stolen.
Confusing Pronouns 2 This is a better way to put it: My car was stolen after I locked my suitcase in it.
Adverbs Section 2
Amazing Adverbs With Prof. Adverbs
What are Adverbs? Adverbs describe verbs, adverbs and adjectives. But that's not all they can do. They can also show time, manner and place!
Adverbs... eg. He ran quickly to school at 5:00. Where did he run to? School When? 5:00 How? Quickly
Adverb describing an Adverb Adverbs can also describe other adverbs. E.g. The boy ran very quickly. 'Very' describes the adverb 'quickly'. Same rule can apply with adverbs describing adjectives. E.g. That duck is very ugly. 'Very' also describing 'ugly'.
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