Early Exploration Today I will compare and contrast the nations that played the biggest roles in the early days of exploration.
Europe’s Ideal Location Europe is centrally located It lies close to two other continents that are already known (Asia & Africa) It borders the Atlantic Ocean and faces two new continents (North & South America)
Portuguese Explorations Led by Prince Henry First settled islands to the west of Portugal Moved on to Africa Slowly explored Africa Sent back gold & enslaved Africans
Portuguese Explorations 1488 – Rounded the Cape of Good Hope 1498 – Vasco da Gama landed in India Wanted to beat the Spanish who had sent a fleet across the Atlantic
Spanish Explorations 1492 – Columbus convinced Ferdinand & Isabella that he could reach the riches of the Indies by sailing west and not around Africa The Monarchy wanted to strengthen Catholic lands 3 ships: Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria August to October 1492 Landed in the Bahamas Called the people “Indians” thinking he was in the Indies Decided the people could easily be conquered because they lacked metal weapons
Spanish Explorations Columbus went back to Spain in 1493 Died thinking he really had found the Indies Amerigo Vespucci called the land a “New World” Vasco de Balboa found the Pacific Ocean
Dutch Explorations Used warships to become leader of European Commerce Dutch East India Company – was able to build armies, wage war, and govern overseas territory as they claimed it. Enforced a monopoly in the Spice Islands, controlling all trade to Europe