First Grade Homework Monday, October 29th –November 2, 2018 We will be working on pattern (th) words this week: bath, moth, this, that, thin, cloth, path, think, thank, moth Spelling Test Friday 11/2 Reminders: Reading Homework Log due today 10/29 Navy Seal Props were due Friday, if you haven’t already done so, please send them in! Math Weekly timed Quiz this week Friday 11/2–Study nightly the flashcards in packet! Thanksgiving Family Project –Disguise Tom the Turkey Due Friday, November 2nd! Homework: 1. Read for 15 minutes –Superkids Backpack page 18 Reread “An Odd Pet for Oswald” 2. Spelling – Write pattern words1-5 (bath, moth, this, that, thin) 3xs’ each in spelling notebook, please add heading to Spelling homework (Name and Date) 3. Go Math Lesson 3.5 Doubles Plus 1 /Doubles Minus 1 pages 159-160 Tuesday 10/30 1. Read for 15 minutes and enter the minutes of your reading in your Reading Log Superkids Backpack page 19 (Spelling List Review) practice these spelling cards on a daily basis test Friday! Go Math Lesson 3.6 Practice Strategies pages 165-166 Veteran’s Day Poem – Practice reciting your poem at home, use good volume, and take a pause after each second stanza. Wednesday 10/31 Religion –My Saint REPORT due today, it will be graded as a test! Wear your costume for class party and for our Halloween parade! The parade begins sharply at 1:30p.m. Happy Halloween – No homework today, enjoy trick or treating with the family! Be safe!!! Thursday 11/1 Wear your Saint Outfit! All Saint Day Mass begins at 9:00a.m. Read for 15 minutes –Superkids Backpack page 21 Spelling – Write spelling pattern words 6-10 (cloth, path, think, thank, math) 3xs’ each and study all words -test tomorrow! 3. Go Math –Reteaching review sheets (both sides) of paper Friday 11/2 Spelling and Math Quiz on addition! Tom the Turkey Due! Reminder: 12:00 Dismissal today, after school program available! Veteran’s Day Poem –Practice poem and read over the weekend! Assembly on Monday 11/5! - Have a great weekend!