FIGURE 1 HEI-2015 total mean scores and 95% CIs for children aged 2–18 y by age group (n = 2372, 2- to 5-y-olds; n = 3347, 6- to 11-y-olds; n = 3281, 12- to 18-y-olds), gender (n = 4596 boys; n = 4404 girls), race or ethnicity (n = 2213, non-Hispanic black; n = 2483, non-Hispanic white; n = 2108, Mexican American; n = 1002, other Hispanic; n = 1194, other race), poverty threshold (n = 2837, PIR <1; n = 5407, PIR ≥1), and overall (n = 9000): NHANES 2009–2014. HEI scores were calculated with the use of the population ratio method. HEI, Healthy Eating Index; MA, Mexican American; NHB, non-Hispanic black; NHW, non-Hispanic white; OH, other Hispanic; OR, other race; PIR, poverty-to-income ratio (<1, below the poverty threshold; ≥1, at or above the poverty threshold). From: Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics Am J Clin Nutr. Published online December 29, 2018. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy284 Am J Clin Nutr | © 2018 American Society for Nutrition.This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
FIGURE 2 HEI-2015 total mean scores and 95% CIs for children aged 2–18 y by age group within gender (n = 1200, 2- to 5-y-old boys; n = 1715, 6- to 11-y-old boys; n = 1681, 112- to 18-y-old boys; n = 1172, 2- to 5-y-old girls; n = 1632, 6- to 11-y-old girls; n = 1600, 12- to 18-y-old girls) and age group within poverty threshold class (n = 847, 2- to 5-y-old PIR <1; n = 1069, 6- to 11-y-old PIR <1; n = 921, 12- to 18-y-old PIR <1; n = 1332, 2- to 5-y-old PIR ≥1; n = 2037, 6- to 11-y-old PIR ≥1; n = 2038, 12- to 18-y-old PIR ≥1): NHANES 2009–2014. HEI scores were calculated with the use of the population ratio method. HEI, Healthy Eating Index; PIR, poverty-to-income ratio (<1, below the poverty threshold; ≥1, at or above the poverty threshold). From: Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics Am J Clin Nutr. Published online December 29, 2018. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy284 Am J Clin Nutr | © 2018 American Society for Nutrition.This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
FIGURE 3 HEI-2015 total mean scores and 95% CIs for children aged 2–18 y by age group within race or ethnicity (n = 560, 2- to 5-y-old non-Hispanic black; n = 849, 6- to 11-y-old non-Hispanic black; n = 804, 12- to 18-y-old non-Hispanic black; n = 645, 2- to 5-y-old non-Hispanic white; n = 936, 6- to 11-y-old non-Hispanic white; n = 902, 12- to 18-y-old non-Hispanic white; n = 559, 2- to 5-y-old Mexican American; n = 793, 6- to 11-y-old Mexican American; n = 756, 12- to 18-y-old Mexican American; n = 276, 2- to 5-y-old other Hispanic; n = 367, 6- to 11-y-old other Hispanic; n = 359, 12- to 18-y-old other Hispanic; n = 332, 2- to 5-y-old other race; n = 402, 6- to 11-y-old other race; n = 460, 12- to 18-y-old other race): NHANES 2009–2014. HEI scores were calculated with the use of the population ratio method. HEI, Healthy Eating Index; MA, Mexican American; NHB, non-Hispanic black; NHW, non-Hispanic white; OH, other Hispanic; OR, other race. From: Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics Am J Clin Nutr. Published online December 29, 2018. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy284 Am J Clin Nutr | © 2018 American Society for Nutrition.This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
FIGURE 4 HEI-2015 total mean scores and 95% CIs for children aged 2–18 y by race or ethnicity within gender (n = 1135 non-Hispanic black boys; n = 1291 non-Hispanic white boys; n = 1063 Mexican-American boys; n = 527 other-Hispanic boys; n = 580 other-race boys; n = 1078 non-Hispanic black girls; n = 1192 non-Hispanic white girls; n = 1045 Mexican-American girls; n = 475 other-Hispanic girls; n = 614 other-race girls) and poverty threshold within gender (n = 1442, PIR <1 boys; n = 2778, PIR ≥1 boys; n = 1395, PIR <1 girls; n = 2629, PIR ≥1 girls): NHANES 2009–2014. HEI scores were calculated with the use of the population ratio method. HEI, Healthy Eating Index; NH, non-Hispanic; MA, Mexican American; NHB, non-Hispanic black; NHW, non-Hispanic white; OH, other Hispanic; OR, other race; PIR, poverty-to-income ratio (<1, below the poverty threshold; ≥1, at or above the poverty threshold). From: Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics Am J Clin Nutr. Published online December 29, 2018. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy284 Am J Clin Nutr | © 2018 American Society for Nutrition.This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
FIGURE 5 HEI-2015 total mean scores and 95% CIs for children aged 2–18 y by poverty threshold within race or ethnicity (n = 840, non-Hispanic black PIR <1; n = 1194, non-Hispanic black PIR ≥1; n = 534, non-Hispanic white PIR <1; n = 1825, non-Hispanic white PIR ≥1; n = 866, Mexican American PIR <1; n = 1014, Mexican American PIR ≥1; n = 387, other Hispanic PIR <1; n = 516, other Hispanic PIR ≥1; n = 210, PIR <1 other race; n = 858, PIR ≥1 other race): NHANES 2009–2014. HEI scores were calculated with the use of the population ratio method. HEI, Healthy Eating Index; MA, Mexican American; NHB, non-Hispanic black; NHW, non-Hispanic white; OH, other Hispanic; OR, other race; PIR, poverty-to-income ratio (<1, below the poverty threshold; ≥1, at or above the poverty threshold). From: Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics Am J Clin Nutr. Published online December 29, 2018. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy284 Am J Clin Nutr | © 2018 American Society for Nutrition.This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
FIGURE 6 Ratios of HEI-2015 component mean scores to maximum scores for children aged 2–18 y overall (n = 9000) and by age group (n = 2372, 2- to 5-y-olds; n = 3347, 6- to 11-y-olds; n = 3281, 12- to 18-y-olds): NHANES 2009–2014. HEI scores were calculated with the use of the population ratio method. HEI, Healthy Eating Index. From: Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics Am J Clin Nutr. Published online December 29, 2018. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy284 Am J Clin Nutr | © 2018 American Society for Nutrition.This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
FIGURE 7 Ratios of HEI-2015 component mean scores to maximum scores for children aged 2–18 y by gender (n = 4596 boys; n = 4404 girls): NHANES 2009–2014. HEI scores were calculated with the use of the population ratio method. HEI, Healthy Eating Index. From: Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics Am J Clin Nutr. Published online December 29, 2018. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy284 Am J Clin Nutr | © 2018 American Society for Nutrition.This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
FIGURE 8 Ratios of HEI-2015 component mean scores to maximum scores for children aged 2–18 y by race or ethnicity (n = 2213, non-Hispanic black; n = 2483, non-Hispanic white; n = 2108, Mexican American; n = 1002, other Hispanic; n = 1194, other race): NHANES 2009–2014. HEI scores were calculated with the use of the population ratio method. HEI, Healthy Eating Index. From: Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics Am J Clin Nutr. Published online December 29, 2018. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy284 Am J Clin Nutr | © 2018 American Society for Nutrition.This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
FIGURE 9 Ratios of HEI-2015 total mean scores to maximum scores for children aged 2–18 y by poverty threshold (n = 2837, PIR <1; n = 5407, PIR ≥1): NHANES 2009–2014. HEI scores were calculated with the use of the population ratio method. HEI, Healthy Eating Index; PIR, poverty-to-income ratio (<1, below the poverty threshold; ≥1, at or above the poverty threshold). From: Diet quality in a nationally representative sample of American children by sociodemographic characteristics Am J Clin Nutr. Published online December 29, 2018. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy284 Am J Clin Nutr | © 2018 American Society for Nutrition.This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.