Lisa Mannall Regional Schools Commissioner for the South West South and West Association of Leaders in Special Schools (SWALSS) Principals’ / Headteachers’ Conference Lisa Mannall Regional Schools Commissioner for the South West
About me
Regional Schools Commissioner for the South West
RSC SW team made up of civil servants based in London and Bristol My team RSC SW team made up of civil servants based in London and Bristol
RSC SW Delivery Team Leaders
Academies and LA maintained schools in the South West 2,337 state-funded schools in the SW, of which 1,074, or 45%, are academies or free schools @ January 2018 Nationally, 27% of primary schools and 71% of secondaries are academies or free schools 87 special schools in the SW, of which 25 or 29% are academies 21 of the 25 special academies in the SW are in a MAT 36 alternative provision, of which 17 or 47% are academies Nationally, 984 special schools, of which 29% are academies 352 alternative provision, of which 34% are academies
LA maintained and academy special schools in the South West Key LA maintained special school Special academy or free school
My vision for the South West Together we will: ensure all children in the SW, regardless of background, receive the high quality education that they deserve work collaboratively across the sector to achieve this shared purpose by supporting and further developing the leaders and organisations in the region ensure we have high quality school improvement robustly tackle underperformance
As RSC I will work with you to: Bring about rapid and sustainable school and trust improvement, with a focus on those most in need Develop strong system leadership, including in governance, across our schools and trusts Build capacity of trusts and sponsors, and enable the strategic growth of trusts working in the most challenging areas Facilitate social mobility by challenging and supporting schools, trusts and sponsors to improve the attainment of their most disadvantaged pupils
Academisation and special schools
Tregonwell Academy – Ambitions Academies Trust
Fosse Way School – The Partnership Trust
Working with SWALSS
Support for governance in the region National Leaders of Governance and NLG advocates Our network of four NLG advocates work as brokers of support for governance, including through NLGs, co-ordinated by a project manager – Julia Steward – who has oversight of the region. More information, including contact details at: Academy Ambassadors: Not-for-profit programme funded by the Department for Education, which can work with you to strengthen your multi-academy trust board: Inspiring Governance: Supported and funded by the Department for Education - connects skilled volunteers interested in serving as governors and trustees with schools: