Sabbatical Orientation 2018 Sabbatical Orientation Writing the Outline, Proposal and Report
General Information Timeline Sabbatical activities must be related to the SRJC Strategic plan and your job assignment. Outline, proposal and report must be submitted as MS Word documents. Use the following format when submitting your sabbatical documents: last name_first initial_date_SabPro (Example: Smith_J_012218_SabPro.doc). last name_first initial_date_SabOutline (Example: Smith_J_012218_Outlinedoc.). last name_first initial_date_SabRpt (Example: Smith_J_012218_SabRpt.doc).
One Page Sabbatical Snapshot Due: April 4, 2018 The Outline One Page Sabbatical Snapshot Due: April 4, 2018 State Type of Leave: Formal Coursework Independent Study Project Identify your outcome: Your Sabbatical Goal/Purpose. Objectives: List specific activities you will complete to achieve your outcome. List at least one tangible result of your efforts (i.e., written report based on research, revised course curriculum or re-written textbook chapters). All documents must be submitted in an MS Word format.
Writing The Proposal Due: September 7, 2018 Follow format, font, length and style requirements. Re-state the purpose and be prepared to explain how it relates to the SRJC strategic plan and your job assignment. Describe leave objectives: Include brief statements of what you will actively accomplish during the sabbatical period, i.e., conduct research, visit college campuses, attend work-shops. Your activities must produce at least one tangible result such as a revised/new curriculum or written report based on findings.
Writing the Proposal: The Narrative Provides a detailed plan of how you will meet your goal and complete your objectives. All language refers to your goal and objectives. All activities must be completed within the official sabbatical period. Language must be positive and specific of what you will do, not what you plan to do. Example: I will write a new textbook. NOT: I plan to write a new textbook. When including an activity that is subject to processes and decisions outside of your control, provide alternative possibilities or preferences. I will travel to Central America to complete 9-12 units of formal study on pre- classic and classic periods of Mayan civilization. My top choices are the University of Mexico and/or the University of Mesoamerica in Guatemala.
Writing the Proposal: The Abstract Reflect all activities you will complete. Describe the tangible result of your sabbatical that benefits the campus community. Must be written in the third-person.
The Sabbatical Report Due the semester following the completion of your sabbatical. Check timeline for actual date. Describe what actually happened on your sabbatical; how you completed every activity and achieved your desired outcome. Change all “I will” to “I did” statements. Follow same organization of proposal. Edit for changes from proposal (i.e., if you included options for an activity, only write about the one you did). Submit your report as a word document not as a pdf. Attach reports, transcripts, power points, course outlines, teaching modules and/or presentation material, etc. as appendices in electronic format also.
Recommendations Use definitive language, such as, he will visit, write, research versus plans to accomplish any of the above. Avoid making promises you can’t keep, such as publishing a work by the end of the sabbatical or giving a PDA presentation. Determine the feasibility of completing every planned activity within the official sabbatical period. Proof your work for professionalism, clarity and writing errors before submission.
Common Committee Feedback Difficult to identify desired outcome: Request clarification. Outcome is not related to SRJC assignment: Request modification. Outcome/Activities do not seem appropriate for requested length of leave: Suggest adjustment of work load or sabbatical length. Activities are not clearly related to desired outcome. Is not clear how outcome will benefit the campus community or further SRJC’s Strategic or Department Educational Plan. Problems with overall clarity, format and writing.