Leader: Lord, we place the things that lie ahead of us this week at your feet. All: Lord, we give our future to you. Leader: Lord, we bring our worries to you for the next week. Thank you that you care about them and want to help us through them. All we need to do is ask. All: Lord, we give our worries to you. Please take them from us, and let your peace dwell in our hearts, minds and souls.
Leader: Lord, we commit our families and friends to your care. All: Lord, we give those we love to you. Keep them under your wings of shelter. Thank you that you care for them even more than we do. Leader: Lord, we offer ourselves to you. Help us to have faith that will move mountains. All: Lord, we give you our lives. Help us to trust you as you lead us through this week and beyond.
Leader: Lord, thank you that you love us. All: Thank you Lord. Amen.