Post-Silicon Calibration for Large-Volume Products Edward Kao and Scott Fukushima
Outline Self-Calibration Method for D/A Converters Frequency Calibration Post-Silicon-Tunable Clock-Tree Synthesis Path-Based Learning Adaptive Body Bias Clustering Summary of Papers Paper Comparisons
Self Calibration Method for D/A Converters
A Self-Calibration Method for tuning DAC’s Problem Statement Transistor mismatches of signal current sources cause non-linearity of DAC transfer characteristics Existing work done in externally tuned DACs but without a fully integrated self-calibration approach that works at high frequencies as solved in this research Proposed Solution A self-calibrating circuit that only needs to be tuned once and enhances the linearity of the circuit Assumption: current mismatch is a static error, and therefore the calibration routine needs to be executed only once at chip power up. This gives a significant improvement at higher frequencies over the dynamically calibrated techniques
Tuning Circuitry 1 bit comparator Elements 1 bit comparator A tunable temporary current source Itemp A reference current source Ibinref Tunable current sources to be used in the DAC Ith(i) Switches to select between current sources to tune
FSM Algorithm
Key Results Sweep through all digital codes shows Integral nonlinear error decreases significantly between the non-calibrated measurement vs. the self-calibrated measurement In comparison with other works, the SFDR is very good while only needing 12 bits to achieve comparable accuracy which gives credit to the frequency independent tuning
Frequency Calibration
Freq. Calibration (Motivation) Speed-binning Process variation can lead to 30% speed variation Classification of voltage-frequency (V-Fmax) based on chip speed for different purposes Requires method to find chip max frequency Voltage supply Temperature
Freq. Calibration (Old Methods) Finding max frequency at various operating voltages Critical-path replica to estimate post-manufacture critical path delay Does not account for process variation Delay measurement hardware on manufactured chip Lots of overhead for delay sensors Needs high-speed clock or on-chip reference voltages
Freq. Calibration (New Method) Requires conventional calibration at nominal voltage Choose paths with highest critical timing and voltage sensitivity using equations and simulation Voltage sensitivity is the path delay’s vulnerability to a voltage shift Add ring oscillator and measure frequency to find measured voltage sensitivity Use voltage sensitivity and critical delay to estimate max frequency at other voltages
Freq. Calibration (Results) Accuracy Results
Freq. Calibration (Results) Overhead
Statistical Timing Analysis Driven Post-Silicon Tunable Clock Tree Synthesis
Statistical Timing Analysis Driven Post-Silicon Tunable Clock-Tree Synthesis Problem Statement Process variation causes problems for yield Functional – Stuck at faults, bridge faults etc. Timing – Setup and Hold time violations Circuits failing timing can often be fixed by adjusting the slack in the circuit through the use of tunable clock buffers Tunable clock buffers add cost to the circuit in terms of area, so a method is needed to determine where to place the tunable clock buffers and the tunable range Up to this point, there hasn’t been a generic strategic method for solving this problem for any type of design Proposed Solution Develop a strategic method for determining tunable range of clock buffers, and which clock buffers to make tunable to meet yield requirements while minimize area
Strategic Steps Create the Slack Vector Perform Slack Filtering Hold Time Slack = Skewi,j + mindelayi,j - Holdj Setup Time Slack = Period – maxdelayij – skewij - setupj Create slack vector S that contains slack for each path Express the slack vector as a Gaussian Distribution to add randomness into the simulations S ~ N(µs,∑s) Perform Slack Filtering Create a threshold for which enough slack is enough to not be concerned with and remove these rows from the slack vector Create a Timing Yield Model:
Strategic Steps (continued) Narrow down the possible tunable buffer candidates. Simply remove the clock buffers that are attached to paths that were declared to have enough slack previously Determine the tunable ranges for each buffer Problem formulated using the equation An iterative simultaneous perturbation algorithm is used to solve this equation. Algorithm iterates through various values of the tunable ranges, ri, and continually takes the gradient. After having the set of gradients, it takes the set of tunable ranges that gives the maximum value.
Strategic Steps (continued) Final step is to narrow down the number of tunable buffers while maintaining the desired yield. Batch selection algorithm as shown below is used
Path-Based Learning
Path-Based Learning (Introduction) Use path-based learning to extract a set of critical paths Assume test chips available (either manufactured or from statistical timing simulator) Use chip pass/fail behavior based on pattern sets with feature path selection Use of SVM (Support Vector Machine) learning engine to handle large inputs
Path-based Learning (Algorithm) Feature Path Selection
Path-based Learning (Conclusion) Initial UR path set size of 6932, reduced UR path set size is 377 at STA clock = 150 for equal error Does not give complete post-silicon validation and methodology Only used as first step to filter out paths Need more sophisticated methods to analyze the selected paths
A Statistical Framework for Post-Silicon Tuning through Body Bias Clustering Problem Statement Process variation causes transistors to have varying delay and power consumption. To make the die meet the power and delay constraints, we can perform adaptive body biasing. Proposed Solution Adaptive body biasing is well established. Previous works were done to determine the body voltages, but had fixed body voltages at design time, not giving the post-silicon calibration option. Other works had ABB for individual device wells post-silicon This is the first work to generate a scalable clustering approach to reduce the number of ABB control voltages and overhead to practical levels
Background Forward biasing the source-body voltage reduces the threshold voltage to increase speed while increasing leakage Reverse biasing the source-body voltage reduces the threshold voltage to reduce speed while saving power One can alter the threshold voltage to meet the desired timing and power constraints
Algorithm Overview Create equations relating delay, power, biasing, and channel length throughout the circuit Introduce random variables for channel length and simulate several solutions to create PDFs for each gate Cluster the gates according to their PDFs In the example below, gates 2, 5, 6, and 7 would make a good cluster since they are strongly correlated and also have similar mean and variances
Results (continued)
Summary of Papers Self Calibration of a D/A Converter Circuitry proposed to automatically match the current sources in the DAC to a reference current Results showed significant improvement in the measured output in comparison to the correct output Frequency Calibration Method developed to efficiently find the voltage-frequency relationship of the chip Method used to approximate the maximum frequency at different operating voltages Post Silicon Tunable Clock-Tree Synthesis Algorithm developed to efficiently determine the tuning range for each tunable clock buffer, and where to place the tunable clock buffers Goal is to meet yield requirements while minimizing area Path Finding Reduce number of critical paths to analyze during post-silicon debug Adaptive Body Bias Clustering Technique Method developed to cluster the gates to minimize the number of clusters needed to optimize the power and delay of the circuit
Comparisons All post-silicon tuning papers address problems due to process variations Time of Optimization Design-time optimization to remove post-silicon step DAC self-calibration Combined design-time and post-silicon optimization Tunable Clock Tree, Body Bias Clustering, Frequency Calibration Optimization Goals Test Time DAC self-calibration, Frequency calibration, Path-based learning Area Improvement DAC self-calibration, Tunable clock-tree, Body bias clustering 30
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