James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl Power point by Jonah
Favorite character and reasons My favorite character is the centipede. One reason is he is interesting another reason is He is funny. My last reason is he is sort of bossy.
My favorite event My favorite event was when the alligators the peach because James probably thought the alligators like the peach because when they started to eat they didn’t stop another reason is I think it was interesting because I wouldn't know what to do if aligators where eating something I’m on last reason is alligators usually don’t get involved in books
Fantasy vs. Realism some examples of fantasy are Talking bugs Birds carry giant peach Centipede wearing shoes Giant peach and Shoes for bugs. An example of realism is his ants are mean another example is jame’s Parents die one more example is A man owning a misaim
What the author can improve The author can improve his word choice he can make it longer and a little more info about the characters.
Would I recommend the book I would recommend this book because the author puts in interesting words. The author puts in a lot of detail. My last reason is Road dohl is a good author.