Yorkshire Roses Sept 2018 Dear Parents / Carers, Our topic this term will be “Ancient Egypt” . The focus of this topic is our History and Geography work; learning about the location of Egypt in the world and the cultures and beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, along with learning about their importance and how this has influenced modern society. We will be extending our knowledge through an exciting day trip to Weston Park Museum in Sheffield (http://www.museums-sheffield.org.uk/museums/weston-park/home) where will spend the afternoon participating in Egyptian tasks and exploration! The morning will be spent engaging in the interactive learning opportunities at Weston park. A letter regarding details of this trip will follow(the date for your diaries is Mon 17th Sept.) In Science we are looking at the main functions of the body and the impact of healthy living. We will examine and research the relationship between diet, exercise, lifestyle and health. We will learn about the circulatory system and gain an understanding of how the heart works. In English we will learn how to write an Egyptian adventure/curse story with ourselves as the main character. We will discover the hidden secrets and treasures of a tomb along with learning about significant historians and discoveries throughout Egypt. We will also be writing instructions on how to mummify someone! Our Maths work will concentrate on ordering numbers and place value, followed by securing written methods for all four operations. Please remember that arithmetic skills will be enhanced through a secure knowledge of ALL times tables! TT rockstars is a great way of enhancing these skills! This half term, P.E. kits are required for Fridays. Please ensure your child has an indoor and outdoor kit in school. HOMEWORK Every Day....... Times tables! (These will be tested at least weekly/fortnightly and must be practised at home!) logging on and using TT rockstars is essential. Spellings—These will be tested weekly on a Tuesday! Please practise at home. Reading- Please complete log and focus on highlighted targets. Logs will be checked weekly (Monday) Thank You Weekly..... Homework will be given out on a Friday. This must be completed in homework book (or on the sheet if appropriate) and returned by Wednesday morning(or earlier). This gives opportunity to work through any problems on Mon/Tues lunchtimes in school. If you have any questions or queries please just ask, either in person or send me an email. Kind regards Mrs Mayston r.mayston@springvaleprimary.org