IATI Organisation-standard A publisher-perspective on the current standard 15/11 2018 2:00 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 12 November
The Current Organisation-Standard Contains: Total Budget (disbursement) Budget per recipient organisation Budget per recipient country Historical Budget data Does not contain/allow: Expected income, commitment-budget etc. Distinction between modalities Distinction between programmable/not Distinction between status – e.g. flagging historical data that are audited and thus ‘final’ Balance Sheet data SDG-reference 15/11 2018 2:00 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 12 November
What do we wish from the organisation-standard? Should the IATI standard allow organisations to publish budget-figures in accordance with their own planning/budgeting procedures? Should it e.g. be possible to publish budgets in any hierarchical way; as long as standard-tags are maintained, it should be free to ‘pivot’ Should the IATI standard allow organisations to draw a distinction between their own funds, and the funds they are merely managing on behalf of other partners? IATI is not a financial management system, but should we apply / allow some of the concepts? 15/11 2018 2:00 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 12 November
PS – please note relation to other presentations These sessions are related, in the sense they are aiming for an improved use of our Organisation-file. But the scope is different: Softly Earmarked (Tuesday 4:30, Madhavi): Suggesting that we should create a join between organisation- and activity- files, to better reflect cooperation under softly earmarked og un-earmarked modalities. Enriching the Organisation File (Thursday 3:50, Madhavi): Broadening the scope for more, optional enrichments that could or should be considered for version 3; e.g. balance-sheet information and publication of audited annual accounts in data-format, not just document-links. 15/11 2018 2:00 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 12 November