** In your notes, in preparation for a video clip about slavery – “America: The Story of Us – Division” (20:10 – 35:00) write down the following questions, leaving a few spaces to take notes: - (1) Describe the scenes depicted at a slave auction. - (2) Summarize what is stated in the video about Frederick Douglas and Harriet Tubman. - (3) Describe the Fugitive Slave Act (Law)? - (4) What motivates John Brown?
“Manifest Destiny” handout Highlight answers to these questions (at top of page of handout): Summarize, what is Manifest Destiny? (2) What are the examples mentioned in the handout regarding historical examples of Manifest Destiny? (3) What ideas are presented in the painting “American Progress” (1872) by John Gast? (4) How does the Mexican Cession, and other territorial expansion for that matter, contribute to the national tensions that would lead to the Civil War?
Conveys “Manifest Destiny” The painting is called “American Progress” by John Gast
Mexican-American War, 1846-48 - U.S. decision to annex Texas in 1845 brings war. - U.S. provokes war with Mexico.
Mexican Cession (1848) ** Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Increased the size of the U.S. by 1/4. Modern states of Utah, Nevada, and California and parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming Wilmot Proviso – proposed legislation to ban slavery from “Mexican Cession”; proposed in 1846, ‘47, & ‘48
“Popular Sovereignty” This is the idea that the people of a territory will vote by popular majority whether they want to allow slavery.
of 1850 Compromise (1) Texas surrenders territorial claims (2) California a free state (3) Slavery not restricted in Mexican Cession, so “popular sovereignty” in Utah and New Mexico territories (4) Slave trade banned in Washington D.C. (5) Fugitive Slave Act
Fugitive Slave Act (1850) After accusation, only an affidavit or testimony leads to arrest Accused has no right to testify Federal commissioners have incentive to rule in favor of slave catcher: Get $10 if judged slave Get $5 if judged free U.S. Marshals could deputize citizens to round up “escaped slaves”
** In your notes, in preparation for a video clip about slavery – “America: The Story of Us – Division” (20:10 – 35:00) write down the following questions, leaving a few spaces to take notes: - (1) Describe the scenes depicted at a slave auction. - (2) Summarize what is stated in the video about Frederick Douglas and Harriet Tubman. - (3) Describe the Fugitive Slave Act (Law)? - (4) What motivates John Brown?