Assignment: Time Magazine’s Person of the Year Betsy Ross You have been mysteriously transported back in time to the era of the Revolutionary War. You will choose a person to be Time magazine’s person of the year. Your assignment is to write a feature article and to design/draw a cover for Time explaining why your person was selected as person of the year. Personn of the Year - 1776 Betsy Ross
Steps for the project - SUBJECT Pick a historical person who impacted the Revolution from the list (in some circumstances, one may be assigned for you) COVER A. Draw or trace a picture of the person. (No printouts.) B. Include the TIME heading, and a year important to the person (Pick a year between 1770-1787). C. Include a background drawing, such as: - a map (battlefield map, Colonial map, etc?) - a picture of an important building. (Independence Hall? Valley Forge cabin?) - picture which helps tell part of your story (Charging soldiers, Paul Revere’s ride, etc) The cover of your magazine should look very similar to a real TIME magazine.
PARAGRAPH FOR COVER CAPTION - Describe the cover of your magazine. Who is the person on the cover of your magazine, why, what is s/he doing? This information goes on the back of the cover. It could also go on the first page. FEATURE ARTICLE FOR PERSON OF THE YEAR – Explain why your person is Time’s Person of the Year. The story should be two full pages long, typed, and double spaced. The story is about your person in biographical terms. Your story must include proof of successful research. Your story must include at least 3 three reasons why your subject is Person of the Year and the facts to back up the reasons. But nothing after the year you have picked! George Washington died in 1799 – but they didn’t know that in 1776!
This Project is due on: January 17, 2018 5. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL – In addition to the story, create at least 5 advertisements, maps, and other short articles that you might find in Time magazine at that time period. Make your magazine look professionally done, like the real thing! Have some fun with these. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY – Create a bibliography (or “Works Cited”) of your sources, using correct MLA format. This Project is due on: January 17, 2018
John Stark Francis Marion William Howe Thomas Gage Henry Clinton John Sullivan Samuel Adams John Adams Thomas Jefferson John Burgoyne Horatio Gates John Paul Jones Henry Knox King George III Paul Revere John Hancock Ethan Allen Thomas Paine Nathaniel Greene Benedict Arnold Nathan Hale Marquis de Lafayette Baron Wilhelm von Steuben George Rogers Clark Daniel Morgan George Washington Betsy Ross
Book Encyclopedia Website Author’s Last name, First name. Book Title. Place Published: Publisher, Year. Encyclopedia Author’s Last name, First name. “Article Title.” Encyclopedia Name. Year. Website Author’s Last name, First name. Web Site Name. Date Visited. Web Site Address. -Never, ever, ever include Google, Bing, or another search engine as a source!