3.2-3.3 Discuss the reasons why some historians argue that the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 was a result of the vulnerability rather than the power of the USSR. Detente—why? Significance? Why do the PRC and the US begin formal talks in 1972 and what is the impact on the wider Cold War?
Invasion of Afghanistan
Soviet-Afghan military cooperation started under Khrushchev and continued under Brezhnev. Seen as being in the Soviet sphere of influence but direct Soviet involvement in the country was limited until 1978. Military coup in 1978 sets up the Marxist People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA)but experienced factionalism within its own party. December 1978, signed a bilateral agreement with USSR for assistance and to help modernize. Government becomes dependent on Soviet support to maintain power
Resistance to the new socialist structure led to civil war. Requests for Soviet aid by the government forces were denied and led gov. leaders to approach the US. Soviet leadership concerned about Afghan exit from the Soviet sphere: Losing power to the US Brezhnev Doctrine would appear weak Other E. European countries might defect.
The Invasion Despite division within Soviet leadership, intervention was argued as necessary to Soviet security. This would mean overthrowing the Afghan gov. and Soviet reinforcement and protection of its borders. Estimated it would take 3-4 weeks. December 1979, invoking the Brezhnev Doctrine, the USSR invaded Afghanistan. Official rational is murky but Soviets attempted to justify invasion by reporting it as an invitation for assistance.
By February 1980 100,000 Soviet troops were in place controlling the cities and highways. Guerillas, aided by the US, controlled the countryside. By 1981 it was clear Soviet forces could not solve the domestic problems but felt they had to support the new government.
Results Beginning of ten year Soviet intervention that cost billions. International condemnation including US boycott of 1980 summer Olympics in Moscow and limited grain and tech. trade with USSR. Seen as Soviet aggression and expansionism Drain on Soviet labor force and economy leading to worsening standards of living. Dissent in USSR increased among general public. End of Détente—SALT II had been signed but stalled in US Senate and remained unratified.
Homework for the rest of the unit Due Wednesday: 4.1 Due Thursday: 4.2-4.3 Before starting 4.3 read page 168 for context Due Friday: 4.4