Andy Gowans, Spectrum Policy Group, Ofcom UK 14th May 2009


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Presentation transcript:

Andy Gowans, Spectrum Policy Group, Ofcom UK 14th May 2009 IEEE802 Interim Meeting Montreal 12th May 2009 802.15.6 - Review of Exempt Spectrum that may be of interest for medical use Andy Gowans, Spectrum Policy Group, Ofcom UK 14th May 2009 Andrew Gowans

Contents European Exempt Bands Dedicated Medical bands in EC Decision May 2009 Contents European Exempt Bands Dedicated Medical bands in EC Decision General use SRD bands that can be used This years review of EC Decision Proposed Medical Bands Other medical band proposal Andrew Gowans

EC Decision Active Medical Bands May 2009 EC Decision Active Medical Bands Type of short-range device Frequency band Power limit / field strength limit / power density limit Additional parameters / spectrum access and mitigation requirements Other usage restrictions Implementation deadline Active medical implants[1] 9 - 315 kHz 30 dBµA/m at 10m Duty cycle12: 10% 1 October 2008 402 - 405 MHz 25 µW e.r.p. Channel spacing: 25 kHzIndividual transmitters may combine adjacent channels for increased bandwidth up to 300 kHz.Other techniques to access spectrum or mitigate interference, including bandwidths greater than 300 kHz, can be used provided they result at least in an equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 1999/5/EC to ensure compatible operation with the other users and in particular with meteorological radiosondes. 1 November 2009 [1] This category covers the radio part of active implantable medical devices, as defined in Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices and their peripherals (OJ L 189, 20.7.1990, p. 17). Andrew Gowans

EC Decision Generic SRD and Application Specific SRD Use May 2009 EC Decision Generic SRD and Application Specific SRD Use See separate table in Word Document: Andrew Gowans

Contents European Exempt Bands Dedicated Medical bands in EC Decision May 2009 Contents European Exempt Bands Dedicated Medical bands in EC Decision General use SRD bands that can be used This years review of EC Decision Proposed Medical Bands Other medical band proposal Andrew Gowans

Other Exempt Spectrum that may become available in future SRD/MG working on amending EC Decision for next year and have some New Medical Implant bands proposals included in their plan : 315 – 600 KHz 30 – 37.5 MHz 12.5 - 20 MHz 401 – 402 MHz 405 – 406 MHz SRD/MG had been tasked by WG FM to try narrowing down the number of options for finding 20 MHz new band for Active Medical Implants within the 406-3400 MHz. SRD/MG considered an allocation for Low Power Active Medical Implants (LP-AMI), 20 MHz, 2 360 MHz to 3 400 MHz This has resulted in First band being studied is 2483.5 – 2500 MHz Andrew Gowans

May 2009 Andrew Gowans