Techniques, methods and approaches to learning organization
Contents Organizational practices for fostering knowledge and learning Overview of techniques, methods and approaches to learning organization Learning organization and Management of Change Knowledge Management Practices in Leading Companies
Fostering knowledge and learning Knowledge is not static and the need for learning is continuous. Companies need to be calibrating itself to the world standards which is changing. Therefore companies need to foster knowledge and learning by focusing on increasing the employees stock of expertise and skills.
Approaches used by successful companies to foster knowledge. Identify organizational learning as a key organizational principle. Use structured peer based learning. Aim for cross functional management for major business processes. Create feedback loops to ensure organizational learns from the customers and outcomes. Design work facilities to maximize opportunities for organizational learning. Maximize individual learning opportunities Eliminate organizational complexity
Cont… Actively manage job rotation and career development policy. Work to create common language to problem identification and problem solving techniques. Use IT to share information Emphasize both formal and informal communication. Sharing information through out the organization to educate and involve employees on learning organization. Stress entrepreneurship and empowerment with accountability and structured processes. Celebrate organizational success in organizational learning. r
Organizational practices for fostering knowledge and learning Organizational Practice Fields – Redesigning work settings to incorporate the continual movement between performance and practice. Open book Management – Spreading Information widely through the ranks. Such sharing leads to employees involvement, ownership, teamwork, commitment and creativity. Training – Leading companies invest considerably in building and updating the knowledge bases of their employees through training. 1. That is characteristic of how teams learn in sports and the performing arts.
Conditions for fostering organizational learning There are various policies, practices or mechanisms for fostering organizational learning and knowledge creation implemented by various companies. Nonaka and Takeuchi have identified five conditions required for fostering organizational learning. These conditions are: Intention Autonomy Fluctuation and Creative Chaos Redundancy and Requisite Variety.
How companies create knowledge Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) characterize it as a five phase process. The five phases are: Sharing tacit knowledge Creating Concepts Justifying Concepts Building an archetype Cross leveling of knowledge
Techniques and Methods to Learning Action Learning The Balance Score card Benchmarking Business Process Re-engineering Casual Loop Container Dialectical Procedure Dialogue
Cont… Domains of learning (Identification, Specification and organization of knowledge) EPSS Fracture Analysis Framing Goal Based Scenarios Training Grid for Assessing Assumptions Groupware Hyper Learning(action learning and simulation based learning. Knowledge Culture Building Executive Exercise
Approaches to Learning Knowledge Repository The Ladder of Inference Learning History The Inter Play of Innovative Ideas Learning Laboratory The left hand and right hand columns Microworlds Potentials of Promising Ideas Real Time Expert systems
Cont… Process Leading to New Ideas Real Time Experts Systems Scenario Analysis Simuworlds The Structured Project Group Memory Systems Thinking Work Flow Systems, Work Group Conferencing and Workouts