DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge® 10 John Sadd OpenEdge Evangelist
Goals of the Session (Re-)Introduce the OpenEdge Reference Architecture as a set of practical guidelines Make sure you are aware of key OpenEdge 10 features Map features to their benefit in designing (changes to) your application DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Agenda What’s Your Starting Point? Using the OERA to Help You Adapt ProDataSets and Your Architecture Opening Your Application to the World Using Classes in Your Application Other Areas of Support DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
One procedure to do everything DEFINE VARIABLE cCarBrand AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cCarModel AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. CREATE Car. Update CarBrand CarModel CarStyle CarColor CarFuel CarEngine CarVIN WITH FRAME UpdFrame. Car.CarID = GUID(GENERATE-UUID). CASE CarBrand: WHEN "Hinda" THEN FIND Dealer WHERE Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*". … FIND BaseCode WHERE Category = "style“ AND Description = CarStyle. Car.BaseCodeStyleID = BaseCode.BaseCodeID. IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*" THEN Car.CarDescription = cCarColor + " " +… ELSE IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#2*" THEN Car.CarDescription = cCarBrand + " " +… DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
So what happens when the UI requirements change? Update CarBrand CarModel CarStyle CarColor CarFuel CarEngine CarVIN WITH FRAME UpdFrame. Extracting and changing UI references Identifying what elements were displayed, created or updated and in what order Extracting implicit business logic DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
One procedure to do everything DEFINE VARIABLE cCarBrand AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cCarModel AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. CREATE Car. Update CarBrand CarModel CarStyle CarColor CarFuel CarEngine CarVIN WITH FRAME UpdFrame. Car.CarID = GUID(GENERATE-UUID). CASE CarBrand: WHEN "Hinda" THEN FIND Dealer WHERE Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*". … FIND BaseCode WHERE Category = "style“ AND Description = CarStyle. Car.BaseCodeStyleID = BaseCode.BaseCodeID. IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*" THEN Car.CarDescription = cCarColor + " " +… ELSE IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#2*" THEN Car.CarDescription = cCarBrand + " " +… DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
What happens as your logic grows? CASE CarBrand: WHEN "Hinda" THEN FIND Dealer WHERE Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*". Adding a brand or a dealership Many places in the code to change Finding them all Being sure they all work the same way Effects of this on testing DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
One procedure to do everything DEFINE VARIABLE cCarBrand AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cCarModel AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. CREATE Car. Update CarBrand CarModel CarStyle CarColor CarFuel CarEngine CarVIN WITH FRAME UpdFrame. Car.CarID = GUID(GENERATE-UUID). CASE CarBrand: WHEN "Hinda" THEN FIND Dealer WHERE Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*". … FIND BaseCode WHERE Category = "style“ AND Description = CarStyle. Car.BaseCodeStyleID = BaseCode.BaseCodeID. IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*" THEN Car.CarDescription = cCarColor + " " +… ELSE IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#2*" THEN Car.CarDescription = cCarBrand + " " +… DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
How does your database schema affect your application code? FIND BaseCode WHERE Category = "style“ AND Description = CarStyle. Car.BaseCodeStyleID = BaseCode.BaseCodeID. Schema complexities Many places in the code Schema changes Relational keys DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
One procedure to do everything DEFINE VARIABLE cCarBrand AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cCarModel AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. CREATE Car. Update CarBrand CarModel CarStyle CarColor CarFuel CarEngine CarVIN WITH FRAME UpdFrame. Car.CarID = GUID(GENERATE-UUID). CASE CarBrand: WHEN "Hinda" THEN FIND Dealer WHERE Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*". … FIND BaseCode WHERE Category = "style“ AND Description = CarStyle. Car.BaseCodeStyleID = BaseCode.BaseCodeID. IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*" THEN Car.CarDescription = CarColor + " " +… ELSE IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#2*" THEN Car.CarDescription = cCarBrand + " " +… DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
What happens to business logic variants? IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*" THEN Car.CarDescription = cCarColor + " " +… ELSE IF Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#2*" THEN Car.CarDescription = cCarBrand + " " +… Duplicating and extending the logic When the code gets out of control Maintaining each variant DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Agenda What’s Your Starting Point? Using the OERA to Help You Adapt ProDataSets and Your Architecture Opening Your Application to the World Using Classes in Your Application Other Areas of Support DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
OpenEdge Reference Architecture Presentation Business Components Data Access Data Sources Common Infrastructure Enterprise Services Update CarBrand IF DealerName MATCHES … CREATE CAR… FIND DEALER WHERE… Open Edge Reference Architecture (OERA) provides a guideline of how a Web service can fit into the framework of an application. A Web service definition is one type of physical implementation for the logical definition of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
OpenEdge Reference Architecture RUN Inventory_Service Presentation Business Components Data Access Data Sources Common Infrastructure Enterprise Services AUDIT-CONTROL… IF CAN-DO… Open Edge Reference Architecture (OERA) provides a guideline of how a Web service can fit into the framework of an application. A Web service definition is one type of physical implementation for the logical definition of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Basic principles for agility and reuse Do each job once and only once! Let each component do only one job and one type of job! Tackle one part of the problem at a time! Common Infrastructure Business Components DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Starting the split User Interface and Business Logic Or Client and Server Data Definitions User Interface Client-Side Logic Authentication Business Logic Database Access Schema Defs Client Server DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Continuing the split Sharing definitions Identifying the user What data for the UI What data for the business logic Data Definitions User Interface Client-Side Logic Client Authentication Business Logic Database Access Schema Defs Server DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Common Infrastructure Completing the split Presentation Business Components Data Access Data Sources Common Infrastructure Enterprise Services Data Definitions User Interface Client-Side Logic Authentication Business Logic Database Access Schema Defs DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Agenda What’s Your Starting Point? Using the OERA to Help You Adapt ProDataSets and Your Architecture Opening Your Application to the World Using Classes in Your Application Other Areas of Support DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
ProDataSet™ bridges the gap from client to server Presentation Master Detail ProDataSet Business Components Holds any relational data instance Data relationships Before-and-after versions of changes Input and output data elements Authentication and other data, too Transports all this as a single data object A Document Message in enterprise terms DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
ProDataSet holds the logical data definition Business Components Master Detail ProDataSet Data Access Lets you separate the logical from the physical data definitions Eliminate schema complexities from logic Shield logic from schema changes Hold calculated fields and other values DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Remember that complex schema definition? Data Access Keep this in the Data Access object FIND CarBrand WHERE CarBrandName = cCarBrand. FIND CarModel WHERE CarModel.CarModelName = cCarModel. FIND BaseCode WHERE Category = "style" AND BaseCodeDescription = cCarStyle. cBaseCodeStyleID = BaseCode.BaseCodeID. FIND BaseCode WHERE Category = "color" AND BaseCodeDescription = cCarColor. cBaseCodeColorID = BaseCode.BaseCodeID. FIND BaseCode WHERE Category = "fuel" AND BaseCodeDescription = cCarFuel. cBaseCodeFuelID = BaseCode.BaseCodeID. FIND BaseCode WHERE BaseCode.BaseCodeCategory = "engine" AND BaseCodeDescription = cCarEngine. cBaseCodeEngineID = BaseCode.BaseCodeID. DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Logical data definition is in temp-tables and ProDataSets Presentation DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttCarInfo FIELD CarBrand AS CHARACTER FIELD CarModel AS CHARACTER FIELD CarStyle AS CHARACTER FIELD CarColor AS CHARACTER FIELD CarFuel AS CHARACTER FIELD CarEngine AS CHARACTER FIELD CarVIN AS CHARACTER FIELD CarDesc AS CHARACTER FIELD CarDealer AS CHARACTER FIELD CarIsAvail AS LOGICAL FIELD CarAdded AS DATE. DEFINE DATASET dsCarInfo FOR ttCarInfo. Usable business data winds up here Business Components Including calculated fields And fields dependent on specific business logic DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Wrap your code and data as a service How much code? Big enough for one request Small enough to promote reuse How much data? Enough to get the job done… Not so much as to take over somebody else’s business logic! Can be expressed as a ProDataSet DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
In short: ProDataSets and Your Application Architecture Document Messages between parts of your application Organize the data a component uses Define the scope of a service Data your user interface uses Logical schema versus physical data Data shared with another application Presentation Business Components Data Access Data Sources Common Infrastructure Enterprise Services Master Detail ProDataSet DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Agenda What’s Your Starting Point? Using the OERA to Help You Adapt ProDataSets and Your Architecture Opening Your Application to the World Using Classes in Your Application Other Areas of Support DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
How else can you use a business service? As a component to call from .NET™ As a component to call from Java™ As a component to expose as a Web service As a step in a Sonic™ ESB process DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Sharing data with a .NET application… Master Detail .NET DataSet Presentation .NET Presentation Layer Master Detail ProDataSet Business Components OpenEdge preserves all the data, All the relationships, All the changes to data, All transparently for you DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Sharing data with a Java application… Master Detail Java SDO Presentation Java Presentation Layer Master Detail ProDataSet Business Components OpenEdge preserves all the data, All the relationships, All the changes to data, All transparently for you DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Exposing your service as a Web service Enterprise Services DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Running Web services from your application Run Web services as if they were ABL procedures OpenEdge utility generates syntax to paste into your application Parameters converted DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
ProDataSets as Web service parameters Convert a ProDataSet (or temp-table) to XML in a single WRITE-XML method Also WRITE-XMLSCHEMA Pass a ProDataSet as a parameter directly to a Web service Converts XML to a ProDataSet (or temp-table) with or without schema READ-XML and READ-XMLSCHEMA Likewise, receive a parameter directly from a Web service DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Integrating Web services into your Business Components RUN SomebodysService on hWebService (INPUT DATASET dsCarInfo, OUTPUT DATASET dsResultSet). XML Master Detail ProDataSet Business Components Somebody’s Web service DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Breaking up your services into maintainable, reusable units Two business logic variants in one procedure Separate that into two distinct services CASE CarBrand: WHEN "Hinda" THEN FIND Dealer WHERE Dealer.DealerName MATCHES "*#1*". /* ManageAmericanCars.p */ ASSIGN ttCarInfo.CarDealer = "#2" ttCarInfo.CarDesc = ttCarInfo.CarBrand + " " + ttCarInfo.CarModel + " " + … ttCarInfo.CarIsAvail = YES ttCarInfo.CarAdded = TODAY. /* ManageForeignCars.p */ ASSIGN ttCarInfo.CarDealer = "#1" ttCarInfo.CarDesc = ttCarInfo.CarColor + " " + ttCarInfo.CarBrand + " " + … ttCarInfo.CarIsAvail = NO ttCarInfo.CarAdded = TODAY. DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Integrating your services into Sonic processes Content-Based Routing DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Running ABL procedures from Sonic ABL annotations describe the procedure and its parameters OpenEdge Architect or ProxyGen can generate the annotations for you Also creates the special-format descriptor file DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
The OpenEdge Architect editor integrated into Sonic Workbench @openapi.openedge.export FILE (type="ESB", esboeFilename="%FILENAME%", useReturnValue="false", writeDataSetBeforeImage="false", executionMode="external"). DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
In short: OpenEdge supports you in opening your services to the world ProDataSets as Document Messages As parameters to .NET or Java applications Run Web services from your application Expose your ABL procedures as Web services Make your services part of Sonic ESB processes Presentation .NET or Java Enterprise Services Master Detail ProDataSet Business Components DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Agenda What’s Your Starting Point? Using the OERA to Help You Adapt ProDataSets and Your Architecture Opening Your Application to the World Using Classes in Your Application Common Infrastructure Support DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Support for classes in ABL: Inheritance Architecture is about isolating common behavior and eliminating redundancy Classes provide inheritance Common business object behavior Common infrastructure support Common support of all kinds Bus. Comp. Super Class Business Components Car Class Dealer Class DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Inheritance in classes You can define a class with data and methods Then you can define a subclass that inherits, overrides, and extends the standard behavior. CLASS Car: /* Source file Car.cls */ METHOD PUBLIC LOGICAL ReserveCar (INPUT pcCarId AS CHARACTER). /* Do reserve work for all cars. */ END METHOD. END CLASS. CLASS AmericanCar INHERITS Car: /* Source file AmericanCar.cls */ METHOD PUBLIC OVERRIDE LOGICAL ReserveCar (INPUT pcCarId AS CHARACTER). SUPER:ReserveCar(INPUT pcCarId). /* Do reserve work for American cars. */ END METHOD. END CLASS. DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Support for classes: strong typing Enforcing consistency and correctness Classes provide strong object typing to assist A variable holds a reference to a specific class The compiler verifies that all references are correct …even cross-checking many classes Interface files also represent programming contracts to enforce Instance of Car Class Instance of Dealer Class DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Strong typing in classes MyProc.p SomeProc: Here’s some procedural code: Will it work at runtime? Who knows? Here’s some class-based code: The compiler makes sure it will! DEFINE VARIABLE hProc AS HANDLE. RUN MyProc.p PERSISTENT SET hProc. RUN SomeProc IN hProc(INPUT 5). ? MyProc.p SomeFunc: DEFINE VARIABLE rCar AS CLASS Car. rCar = NEW Car(). rCar:SomeMethod(INPUT 5). Car.cls SomeMethod: DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Under Development D I S C L A I M E R This talk includes information about potential future products and/or product enhancements. What I am going to say reflects our current thinking, but the information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change. Any future products we ultimately deliver may be materially different from what is described here. D I S C L A I M E R DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Classes for the Advanced UI in OE 10.2 Use .NET controls (both Microsoft and third party) as if they were native to ABL Controls are expressed as objects Use ABL classes to build a UI with them Visual Designer in OpenEdge Architect Integrate these new classes with other ABL classes or procedures DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
In short: Using Classes in Your Architecture Consider the practical benefits of using classes Definitional inheritance Strong type checking More compiler support for finding errors Using and extending Advanced UI controls DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Agenda What’s Your Starting Point? Using the OERA to Help You Adapt ProDataSets and Your Architecture Opening Your Application to the World Using Classes in Your Application Other Areas of Support DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
Other Areas of Support Auditing Authentication Structured error handling Don’t just think about the feature! Think about how it contributes to architecture DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
In Summary Consider the OpenEdge Reference Architecture as a set of practical guidelines Make sure you are aware of key OpenEdge 10 features Map features to their benefit in designing (changes to) your application DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10
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Common Infrastructure OERA component slide Presentation Enterprise Services Common Infrastructure Business Components Data Access Data Sources DEV-11: Architecting Your Application in OpenEdge 10