Test RF gun cavity Takuya Natsui
Simple cavity RF gun is developed for test Cut Disk Structure (CDS)
New CDS cavity RF gun has single standing wave cavity. shrinkage fit RF contact 0°injection RF input 1st QTW ✓ metal ✕ 20 2nd QTW choke CDS 7 New CDS cavity RF gun has single standing wave cavity. This cavity is used for cathode fix structure test or 0 deg injection. Required RF power is low, conditioning will be quickly.
Acceleration cavity This cavity is also annual coupling.
Reduce multipactoring choke structure design weak field good vacuum conduction ABS E ABS B
This gun is able to test with 60 deg or 0 deg laser injection Cathode diameter is 6 mm Aperture is 8 mm
In the simulation, 5 nC beam generation is possible
Cavity cells is under manufacturing.