Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Post-ACS: Lessons from Clinical Trials
Case Study
Acute Intervention
Current Medications
Physical Exam/Lab Findings
Red Flags for Risk of Nonadherence?
Helpful Tips
Ubiquity of the Nonadherence Problem
Addressing Barriers With the Patient as Partner
DAPT Trial: Stent Thrombosis and MACCE
PEGASUS: HRs and Rates of the Primary Endpoint
Relative Risks for All-Cause Mortality in Good vs Poor Adherence to Major CV Medications
The Swedish Web-System for Enhancement and Development of Evidence-Based Care in Heart Disease Evaluated According to Recommended Therapies (SWEDEHEART)
Major Efficacy and Safety Endpoints in PLATO and SWEDEHEART
Case Study: 12-Month Visit
Factors Favoring Longer DAPT
Calculation of a DAPT Score
Multivariable Prediction Model and Derivation of the Score
Effect of Long (12- to 24-Month) vs Short (3- to 6-month) DAPT (ACS Subgroup)
New Paradigms
Clinical Decision Making Vision for the Future
Patient Engagement
Future of Medication Adherence
Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)