Literacy Focus: To use key terms in written work. Experiment Hypothesis: There is a link between the size of a pebble and how quickly it is dissolved by acid rain. Prediction: Smaller pebbles will dissolve faster as they have a larger proportion of surface area. Variables: I will change the size of pebble. I will measure how much pebble (g) is dissolved in 5 mins. I will keep the concentration of acid and the time in the acid the same. Using results from an experiment, describe (L5) and explain (L6) the relationship between surface area and rate of reaction.
Literacy Focus: To use key terms in written work. Method Record the mass of a large limestone chip and of a small limestone chip in grams. Place both chips into a beaker with 50cm3 sulphuric acid (H2SO4). Time 5 minutes. Carefully remove both chips and dry with a paper towel. Record the mass of each chip and calculate the percentage difference in mass. Using results from an experiment, describe (L5) and explain (L6) the relationship between surface area and rate of reaction.
Literacy Focus: To use key terms in written work. Application Dr Tomlinson is having his driveway re-done. The area where he lives often suffers acid rain so he needs to decide whether to use small pebbles or large pebbles. Use the results from your experiment to advise Dr Tomlinson on which size pebbles he should use. Don’t forget to give a reason to back up your advice! Apply findings to decide what size pebbles to use on a driveway exposed to acid rain (L7).