WFD key issues and research needs Follow up – WISE-RTD SCG 8 + 9 November 2006 Marc de Rooy
Key issues and research needs All issues Issues with EU relevance (policy issues and research needs) Research needs June 2005 November 2005 Step 2 Step 1 Step 3 Phase 1 Phase 2
WD conclusions and recommendations The Water Directors: endorsed the document on “WFD Key Issues-Phase II” took over the recommendation to involve representatives of research projects in the CIS Working Groups agreed to disseminate it widely (merging Phase I+II) agreed to deliver the outputs of the work on research needs as an active input for WISE-RTD
An uneasy relationship… Communication is not the only cause!
Other reasons for mismatch Where are the data? Will there be support for this tool? Education Interest / currency
Observation: Member states have the wish to gather and exchange WFD-knowledge and –experiences Several workshops and meetings (Scotland, Netherlands, Greece) Proposal for a network of Competent Authorities Many ERA-nets; coordination of national research programmes
Possible future steps Success of WISE-RTD depends on content, trust and authority Content: Enlarge the knowledge base with national research programmes and experiences Trust building: Enable to contact the people behind the projects Authority: Have the system recommended by WDs
The SCG is invited to: Recognise WISE-RTD as a powerful search engine for relevant WFD knowledge. Agree on the recommendations to the WISE-RTD developers to Consider extending the sources of knowledge and experiences Enable the users of the system to contact the authors and project leaders of the presented research results Test the system thoroughly. Discuss recommendations and send to the WD for information, and to the WISE-RTD developers
Thank you!