Breakout session # 2. Exploiting the INSPIRE infrastructure Summary
Thanks to all for the wonderful discussion
Our guide to exploiting the INSPIRE infrastructure in 6 points: Follow the users The regular INSPIRE user - GIS/SDI expert (tens) Outreach to end users (millions)
Our guide to exploiting the INSPIRE infrastructure in 6 points: 2) ‘Wikify’ relevant use cases Document use cases Ensure reproducibility + sustainability of results in Other countries Other domains
Our guide to exploiting the INSPIRE infrastructure in 6 points: 3) Adapt to change A) Technical Technology is changing fast INSPIRE Directive - 2007 Need for APIs / POIs is urgent B) Methodological/semantic
Our guide to exploiting the INSPIRE infrastructure in 6 points: 4) INSPIRE components as a LEGO set
Our guide to exploiting the INSPIRE infrastructure in 6 points: 5) “The last (or first) mile” towards the user
Our guide to exploiting the INSPIRE infrastructure in 6 points: 6) Common understanding of roadmaps Technical (e.g. linked data, open data, smart cities, etc.) Legislatively defined after before