Warm-Up What do you think should be the qualifications to be President of the U.S.? What previous education and experience should a President have?


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-Up What do you think should be the qualifications to be President of the U.S.? What previous education and experience should a President have?

The Presidency

Three Qualifications Must be at least 35 years old Must be a natural born U.S. citizen Must have lived in the U.S. at least 14 years

Term of Office 22nd Amendment, ratified in 1951 No one can be elected President more than twice. Maximum of TEN years as President

Presidential Pay How much does the President get paid? $400,000 (since 2001) Who decides? Congress

Benefits What other benefits does the President have? Secret service protection $100,000 travel account + Air Force One White House & Camp David Lifetime taxable pension ($200,000 per year) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9XqGo8I3ts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssMembxavI

Air Force One https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD7QuVB3Grk (4:03)

White House The White House has 132 rooms, 32 bathrooms, a movie theater, bowling alley, billiards room, tennis court, jogging track and putting greens.

White House Inside the White House: The Situation Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7ch13ZuMu8 (4:48)

Order of Succession Presidential Succession Act of 1947 After Vice-President, Speaker of the House, then President Pro tempore, then Secretary of the State Then the order goes to the 15 cabinet departments in order of creation. https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/cabinet

25th Amendment Adopted in 1967 The Vice-President may temporarily assume the duties of the presidency if the President requests so.

Presidential Power: Reagan Doctor Says He Erred By LAWRENCE K. ALTMAN; Special to The New York DENVER— Eight years after Ronald Reagan was shot and seriously wounded, his doctor at that time says he now believes Presidential power should have been temporarily transferred to Vice President George Bush. The doctor, Daniel Ruge, who was the White House physician from 1981 until 1985, said in an interview here that Mr. Reagan's need for general anesthesia for emergency surgery and intensive care afterward should have made those in charge invoke Section 3 of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to transfer executive power to Mr. Bush for a day or two. That section of the Constitution specifies that, if the President declares in writing to the Congress that he is unable to discharge his duties, the Vice President shall assume those duties until the President again declares himself able to carry on.

Eight Roles of the U.S. President

1. Chief of State Acts as example for and symbol of the United States. Represents America at special occasions and ceremonies. Examples: awarding medals, speechmaking, meeting with foreign leaders.

2. Chief Executive Has the responsibility and authority to carry out the laws. Decides how the laws of the U.S. are to be enforced. Chooses cabinet members and advisers to help run the Executive Branch.

2. Chief Executive Inside the White House: The Cabinet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxSvi6JCCfk (5:47)

3. Chief Administrator The president is the director of the Federal Government. Heads one of the largest governmental machines in the world. More than 2.6 million employees work for the Federal Government (including postal services).

4. Chief Diplomat Decides what American diplomats and ambassadors shall say to foreign governments. Signs treaties and trade agreements with leaders of other nations.

5. Commander-In-Chief In charge of U.S. Armed forces. President decides where armed forces are to be stationed, and weapons to be used. Two main advisors: Secretary of Defense. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Armed Forces.

6. Chief Legislator Congress has the power to make laws. President can propose bill and sign bills into law. He often calls members of Congress to lobby for his agenda. Presents his agenda to Congress in the annual State of the Union.

State of the Union

State of the Union Behind The Scenes: Writing the 2012 State of the Union Address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxwcJx0-21E (4:41) Inside the White House: The State of the Union Address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fBWo_TO7xQ (4:07)

7. Chief of the Party Presidents help members of their party get elected or appointed to office. They make campaign speeches needed for re-election. Head of fund-raising for the party.

8. Chief Citizen President expected to represent the people of the U.S. Is supposed to work for the peoples’ interest against private interests. Advocate for the rights of citizens of the U.S.

7 1 8 5 4 3 2 6 6

Presidents: Before and After http://www.ryot.org/20-before-and-after-photos-of-presidents/831745