Hicksville This week in: We are learning: Week of Nov. 13 to Nov. 17 Math: Long Division Student Learning Goal: 4.N.1.6 Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of operations to divide 3-digit dividend by 1-digit whole number divisors. (e.g., mental strategies, standard algorithms, partial quotients, repeated subtraction, the commutative, associative, and distributive properties). Language Arts: Lesson 6 Wordly Wise, Vocabulary & Informative Writing Student Learning Goals: 4.3.W.1 Narrative, 4.3.W.2 Informative, 4.3.W.3 Opinion, 4.8.W Writing Stamina - I can write for different audiences and purposes. Social Studies/Science: Welcome to the Southeast Region Student Learning Goals: 4.1.2.B Identify the states, state capitals, and major cities in each region. *Terrific Kid – 11/17, Rory *Santa Pictures – 11/30 Important Reminders *Thanksgiving Break 11/20-11/24 News Week of Nov. 13 to Nov. 17 carrihicks@dcsok.org