Gloucestershire “Wheels for All” Leadership Training From 9.30am – 3.30pm on Thursday 1st December At Blackbridge Jubilee Athletics Track, Podsmead Road, Gloucester GL1 5TX W h e e l s F o r A l l L e a d e r c e r t i f i c a t e a c c r e d i t e d w i t h O p e n A w a r d s * * Q u a l i f i c a t i o n c o u n t s t o w a r d s C P D a n d F E I found the WFA training very interesting and interactive! I am now going to use this qualification in my community WFA training course attendee 2013 The course is both practical and theoretical. It includes technical information modules on the wide range of adapted cycles used, risk assessments, client assessment, instruction skills workshop, cycle development and progression through activities, session planning and delivery. Who is the training aimed at? Teachers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, health professionals, physical activity leaders, care workers, support workers, community volunteers, parents. What am I qualified to do? Deliver cycling activities for people with disabilities and differing needs For more information about this course and about the Inclusive Cycling Sessions starting at the Blackbridge Athletics Track in Gloucester in November 2016 please contact – Mary Clare Faulkner at 01242 512569 or via Cycling Projects, 3 Priory Court, Buttermarket St, Warrington WA1 2NP.