Computer Science Ms Whalen
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Course Map Calendar on CPHS Whalen Homepage Unit Introduction Add unit to Table of Contents Pre-Write/Set Learning Goals Learning Exercises Interactive Lecture Collaborative Groups Programming Labs Turn into K: your student folder Post Write-Summarize your learning from the unit Assessment – Exam/Project/Presentation
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UNIT MAP UNIT 2 Scan the Unit 2 Powerpoint Write 15 key words Write a paragraph using the fifteen key words Set learning Goals: By the end of unit 2 I will be able to…. Use KWL Know, Want to Know, Learn
UNIT MAP UNIT 3 Scan the Unit 3 Powerpoint Write 15 key words Write a paragraph using the fifteen key words Set learning Goals: By the end of unit 3 I will be able to…. Use KWL Know, Want to Know, Learn 3 sentence summary of goals achieved Get spiral checked, begin Unit 3
Peer Assessment