Blacksburg Transit – ITS VA Main TITLE goes Here Subtitle Goes Here
Virginia Tech Students Population Town of Blacksburg 42,620 Virginia Tech Students 29,684
Top Boarding FY 14 Annual Report Burruss Hall 422,100 Torgersen Hall 187,671 Newman Library 173,177 Squires Ebnd 134,230 Squires Wbnd 132,061
Annual Ridership 3,733,082 Passenger Trips FY14
How do people use the system?
Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons Proximity location service using Bluetooth transmitters. Two competing standards for this technology; Apple iBeacons Google EddyStone *NEW*
Data Example
Bus Route and Stop Planning
ADA improvements
Stop Amenities
Dynamic Routing and Scheduling Accurate ridership projections need a lot of data. Ridership >8 85% Ridership <3 5% *Gross Oversimplification
Connected Vehicles
Dynamic Mobility Applications: Connected Vehicles Dynamic Mobility Applications: Enable Advanced Traveler Information System (EnableATIS) Integrated Dynamic Transit Operation (IDTO) Intelligent Network Flow Optimization (INFLO) Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems (MMITSS) Response, Emergency Staging and Communications, Uniform Management, and Evacuation (R.E.S.C.U.M.E)