Why the Church Is Important Matthew 16:13-20 Why the Church Is Important
God Established Three Institutions in the World The Family or the Home The Government The Church
The Reasons Why God Established These Institutions To Establish Order in Chaos To Provide the Medium to Carry out His Kingdom Plans on Earth To Give HIM Glory
TEXT Matthew 16:13-20
I. When Was the Church Instituted? Jesus said it is HIS church He commissioned them before He left They conducted necessary business They recorded names on a roll They added to the body of believers
II. What Is Church Membership? Church Membership is Not Salvation The Church is a Local, Visible body The New Testament order is those who are saved, baptized, become a part of a local assembly Being a church member means being in fellowship
III. Why is Church Membership Important? Church membership provides a place of identity I Cor. 1:2, Gal. 1:2, I Thess. 1:1 Church membership provides a place to cooperate Matt. 28:19-20 Church membership provides the place to exercise spiritual gifts Eph. 4:11-16 Church membership provides the place of God’s glory Eph. 3:21