Dulles Area Transportation Association June 14, 2007
Hows your commute? Typical commutes in our area are more than 30 minutes. The cost to commute for employees living 15 miles away can easily reach $400/month. Employers send a positive message to employees when offering commuting benefits.
Where does it hurt? Time Money Stress Morale Retention Recruitment Business suffers.
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Public transportation network Regional ridematching service Guaranteed Ride Home Free employer services Why Commuter Connections?
Employer Services Encourages private sector employers to voluntarily implement alternative commute programs. Supported and funded by MWCOG, VDRPT, VDOT and local gasoline tax. Operated locally by DATA, Loudoun County Office of Transportation Services and Fairfax County Department of Transportation.
Benefits of Alternative Commuting Improved employee morale; Enhanced recruitment and retention; Reduced tardiness and absenteeism; Reduced needs for parking and office space; Improved air quality; Reduced traffic congestion; and Improved quality of life.
Personalized Service Identify needs. Explore the options. Assist with selections. Identify resources. Implement plans. Maintain contact.
Customized Solutions Place ourselves in your employees shoes. Understand that commuting options are not one size fits all. Help implement voluntary options for employees.
Commuting Choices Live Near Your Work Flexible Work Scheduling Compressed Work Weeks Carpools, vanpools, NuRide Transit Biking and Walking Tax-free transit benefits Telework
Enhancing our Efforts Offer commuter benefits as an employee benefit. Promote commuting alternatives to your workplace. Refer other businesses to us for assistance.
Commuter Connections contacts Dulles Area Transportation Association Jim Larsen: Fairfax County Glenn Hiner: Loudoun County Judy Galen:
Thanks for listening… Loudoun County Commuter Services Focused on your commute.