43 Order of Operations ( ) + - X
The Order of Operations tells us how to do a math problem with more than one operation, in the correct order.
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally This will help to you to remember the order of operations. Just Change the P for G and you get GEMDAS
GEMDAS G Groups :( parenthesis ) , [ brackets ] , √square roots, etc. E Exponents 43 M D Multiply x Divide A S Add + Subtract -
GEMDAS Grouping ( ) [ ] √ Always do parentheses, brackets , square roots , any type of grouping 1st.
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Exponents 43 Always do Exponents 2nd.
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Multiply x Divide Do multiplication and division 3rd, from left to right whatever comes first.
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Add + Subtract - Do addition and subtraction 4th, from left to right whatever comes first.
Let’s Try Some Problems!
3-23+ [9+1] 3-23+ 10 5 3-8+10 -5+10 GEMDAS 1st. Brackets 2ed. Exponents 3ed. Subtraction 5 4ed. Adding
3 √(50)2 + 62 3(10)+62 66 3(10)+36 30+36 PEMDAS 1st. Square Root 2ed. Exponents 66 3ed. Multiplication 4ed. Adding
7 ∙ 4 28 14÷ 2 ∙ (6-2) 14 ÷ 2 ∙ 4 PEMDAS 1st. Parenthesis 2ed. Division 3ed. Multiplication
4+ 10 ∙ 23 -16 4+10 ∙ 8 -16 4+ 80 -16 84-16 68 PEMDAS 1st. Exponent 2ed. Multiplication 68 3ed. Adding 4ed. Subtraction
21 + 10 31 21 + 102 10 21+10010 PEMDAS 1st. Exponent 2ed. Division 3ed. Adding
10+72-2 ( 5 ) 10+49–2 ( 5 ) 10+49- 10 49 59 - 10 PEMDAS 1st. Exponent 2ed.Multiplication 49 3ed. Adding 4ed. Subtraction
64 [9 x 3-19] 8 64(27 –19) 64 8 PEMDAS 1st. Multiplication 2ed.Subtraction 3ed. Division
Have fun doing the Order of Operations!