The Roaring Twenties The Jazz Age The Boom Era The 1920’s The Roaring Twenties The Jazz Age The Boom Era
Interesting Statistics The population of the US was @105,000,000. In the year 2009 it is over 305,000,000. The average yearly income was $1,236. Presently the median household income is @ $47,000. NJ=57K, Mississippi=32K The price of a gallon of milk was $.58. Today it is over $3. Men lived about 54 years. Women lived about 55 years. Today men live about 77 years, and women live about 79 years A public school teacher earned about $729 a year. Today the average salary for a teacher is @ $48,000. In N.J. @$56K. In S.D. @$34K. It took 13 days to reach California from New York driving on 2 lane roads. Today it takes 5 hours by plane.
Warren G. Harding Elected 1920 “A Return to Normalcy” Favored laissez-faire approach to business Corruption ruled his presidency
Calvin “Silent Cal” Coolidge Takes office upon the sudden death of Harding Reelected in 1924 Continued Harding’s policy of little government interference in business
Herbert Hoover Elected President in 1928 Supported Big Business Stock Market Crash and Great Depression
18th Amendment Prohibition, 1919 The production, transportation and sale of alcohol was made illegal. The intent of the Amendment was to lower the crime rate and to improve the general way of life.
The Red Scare & Palmer Raids Labor strikes were labeled as conspiracies by foreign radicals Attorney General Mitchell Palmer conducted warrantless searches and arrests
Sacco and Vanzetti, 1920 Fear of immigration led to their arrest and conviction Viewed as anarchist militants, they were convicted of murder and executed in 1927 Protests and Appeals failed to sway the courts
19th Amendment Women’s Suffrage, 1920 Guaranteed that “the right of citizens to vote shall not be denied…on account of sex” Ratified by 36 states Mississippi officially ratified the amendment in 1984
Scopes “Monkey” Trial, 1925 Tennessee teacher (Scopes) was tried for teaching evolution to his students (this was illegal in the state) Clarence Darrow defended the view of evolution William Jennings Bryan prosecuted Scopes was convicted and fined $100
Rise of the KKK The burning of the cross represented the “rebirth” of the Klan during the early 20th century The KKK not only targeted blacks but also Jews, Immigrants and Catholics Promoted patriotism and white supremacy By 1925, membership rose anywhere from 3-8 million Klansmen
20th Amendment “Lame Duck” Amendment, 1933 Swearing in of the new president takes place on January 20th rather than March 4th Swearing in of the new Congress takes place on January 3rd
Important People *Amelia Earhart was the first female aviator to cross the Atlantic Ocean *Disappeared in 1937 in an attempt to be the first woman to fly around the world
Important People Marcus Garvey Popular Black Leader of the 1920’s Supporter of Black Nationalism Argued that blacks should return to Africa to establish a new nation
*Babe Ruth is arguably the greatest slugger in baseball history *714 regular-season home runs wasn't broken until 1974 by Hank Aaron
*Red Grange is recognized as one of the greatest football players of all time *Known as the Galloping Ghost when he scored five touchdowns on his first five carries in one game.