Used Dialysis and Microfiltration Membranes
Dialysis Membranes with Serum Control Anomolous Behavior!!!
Dialysis Membranes with Blood
Microfiltration Breakthrough Control Cin Qf t
Mircrofiltration Breakthrough Cin Qf t
Animal Studies
Rate of change of the mass of Ab in the reservoir/body equals the -rate of Ab removal from the filtrate flow, i.e. Qf (Creservoir – Cf)
From the Greek meaning to decay or to make rotten, bacterial invasion of the body Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body's response to infection injures its own tissues and organs. Septic shock is low blood pressure due to sepsis that does not improve after reasonable amounts of intravenous fluids are given. Sepsis is caused by an immune response triggered by an infection. The infection is most commonly by bacteria, but can also be by fungi, viruses, or parasites. Common locations for the primary infection include: lungs, brain, urinary tract, skin, and abdominal organs. The terms septicemia and blood poisoning referred to the microorganisms or their toxins in the blood and are no longer commonly used. Diagnosis is based on meeting at least two systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria due to a presumed infection.
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), also known as lipoglycans and endotoxins, are large molecules consisting of a lipid and a polysaccharide, joined by a covalent bond; they are found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, and elicit strong immune responses in animals.
Sepsis is caused by the uncontrolled spread of infectious pathogens like bacteria and the release of endotoxins that leads to the development of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) 18 million cases per year worldwide and 33% die from sepsis complications Bacterial ID can take several days so in the meantime House recommends broad spectrum antibiotics until the culprit bacteria is ID’d. This delay contributes to high sepsis mortality Sepsis treatment complicated by the release of toxins and bacterial agonists to the immune system receptors from the bacteria upon their lysis by immune cells and antibiotics, these are called PAMPS (pathogen associated molecular patterns)
Antibiotics can reduce the number of living pathogens in the body however they still release the PAMPs and endotoxins into the blood which can still lead to septic shock and death A hollow fiber device has been developed as a “biospleen” that can remove pathogens from blood and the endotoxins and PAMPs, has been tested using human blood in vitro and in vivo in rats Technology is based on a genetically engineered protein that is based on a naturally occurring opsonin protein called Mannose Binding Lectin or MBL. In the human body MBL binds to a wide range of pathogens and endotoxins. The researchers bound the pathogen binding portion of MBL to the Fc region of human Ig to give a engineered FcMBL protein that they then adsorbed on to the surfaces of the hollow fibers.