Nouns Familia, familiae Femina, feminae Vir, viri Puer, Pueri - Woman - 1st Fem Family 1st Fem Familial Vir, viri - Feminine - Man - 2nd Masc - Virtue - Virile Puer, Pueri Puella, puellae Boy 2nd Masc Girl 1st Fem Puerile
Mater, matris Filia, filiae Filius, filii Pater, patris - Father - 3rd Masc Mother - 3rd Fem Paternal Maternal Filia, filiae - Daughter - 1st Fem Filius, filii Līberi, līberorum Filial Piety - Son - 2nd Masc - Children 2nd Masc (Only Plural!) (Don’t confuse with similar words)
Ancilla, ancillae Servus, servi Dominus, domini Domina, dominae - Female servant/slave woman - 1st Fem - Servant/slave - 2nd Masc Ancillary Servile Dominus, domini Domina, dominae - Master - 2nd Masc - Female Master - 1st Fem Domination
Titulus, tituli Liber, libri - Library Pagina, paginae - Book - 2nd Masc - Library Titulus, tituli Title 2nd Masc Titular Page 1st Fem Pagina, paginae
Antiquus -a -um Adjectives Novus -a -um Old/Ancient - Antique New Novae (stellae) Super Nova
Tuus -a -um Ceteri -ae -a Meus -a -um the rest the other (things) the rest of the remainder …Etcetera “…and the rest” Tuus -a -um Meus -a -um My E.g. “My desk” Mea Mensa Your E.g. “Your Desk” Tua Mensa
Tres, Tria Duo, Duae Quot Centum Century - Adv One hundred -How many? Indeclinable Adj Tres, Tria Century Masc, Fem Neu - Three Duo, Duae Masc, Neu Fem - Two
-que Quis Quae Qui Cuius Quid Conjunction SPQR Senatus Populusque Romanus The Senate AND Roman People adds an “and” between the previous two words Implies a close connection! Interrogative Pronouns/Adjectives Quis Quae Qui - Who? - Used if the thing in question is Masc. - Default when asking “Who?” - Sing form - Who? - What? - The thing in question is Fem or Neu Plu. - Sing and Plu form - Who? - Which - Plu form of Quis Cuius Quid - What? - Sing. Neu form - Default when asking “What?” - Whose - Sing. genitive form
Neutrum Femininum Grammatica Latina Adjectives Masculinum - Neither - Neuter (adj) Masculinum Femininum Neuter (the verb) - Masculine - Feminine
Declension a pattern of noun endings There are 5 patterns/declensions - A category for nouns that holds specific purposes in sentences. -There are 6 normal cases in Latin. Sometimes in English a word changes its form to reflect its case too. E.g. (I, me and who, whom ; ‘s or s’) - E.g. Nouns in the Genitive case express ownership or possession of another noun, such as: Est pater pueri. Est puellae mater. Case He is the father of the boy. She is the mother of the girl.
Fem -ae -arum Case Genetivus 1st Declension Singular Plural - This case primarily describes possession. (- Each gender and declension has its own form of the genitive in the singular and the plural.) 1st Declension Singular Plural Fem -ae -arum 2nd Declension Singular Plural Masc -i -orum Neu -i -orum
Case Genetivus The pencil of the student (or) The student’s pencil Stylus discipuli Stylus discipulae Male student Female student When I give you a new noun, or you look up a noun in the dictionary, such as: Discipulus, discipuli - masc (2nd declension) Discipula, discipulae- fem (1st declension) These are the genitive forms. This tells you the noun’s declension.