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Why History?
What will class be like? Not this: Expect: Expect: Stories Reading Listening Writing
The Method of Historical Inquiry Why Do We Study History?
Recall History is what we choose to remember about the past. Our common experience binds us together. The Hall of Remembrance, USHMM
Interpretation History involves explaining people and events. Historians read between the lines. History can illustrate ideas. Speculation means guessing about the past.
Interpretation and Illustration What is happening in the image? Which side created the image? Why?
Application Use the past to understand the present. The past must engage in dialogue with the present. Use personal experiences to make sense of the past. Examine situations in the past.
Analysis History involves figuring out complicated situations. Break the event down into its parts: Which parts can you identify? Which battle was the turning point of the Civil War? Examine each part. How are the battles related? Try to create a time line of events: Which are causes? effects?
Illustration: Analysis
Synthesis History involves making sense out of a jumble of facts. You can search for patterns. You can speculate: Guessing at reasons for outcomes. You can predict: Could World War II have been avoided? You can make generalizations: broad statements that summarize.
Synthesis: Creating A New Idea Hiroshima, Japan after the A-bomb Draw your own conclusions: Dropping the atomic bomb - justified or unjustified?
Evaluation History involves making judgments about people in events. Example: You can examine all sides of the issue of steroids in sports You can debate the pros and cons of using performance enhancing drugs You can describe the strengths and weaknesses of the different responses to steroid use
Evaluation You can judge whether a person, policy, or event measured up to a high standard. Example: are athletes found guilty of P.E.D. use cheaters? Are their achievements as great as those who came before?
Is Barry Bonds’ record of 762 HR as valid as Hank Aaron’s record of 755?
1. $120 in $20 dollar bills plus an ATM receipt dated 8/24/15 SYNTHESIS When addressing a question in history, historians use documents, hard factual information, and artifacts to determine what happened or “who” a person was. Through the scenario below, you will use these same processes to describe the owner of a wallet that your group has found on the way to Starbucks for a study session. Be sure to pay attention not only to what is in the wallet, but what is missing as well. Wallet contents: 1. $120 in $20 dollar bills plus an ATM receipt dated 8/24/15 2. A receipt from Barnes and Noble for the purchase of three magazines: GQ, Forbes, and Rolling Stone. It is dated 8/23/15. 3. A post-it with the message, “Bob, call me any time at 704-555-1234.” 4. Three ticket stubs from a Carolina Panthers home pre-season game (all have the same date 8/23/15). 5. A picture of a family, one male adult, one female adult, two male children (approximately 15 and 12 years old), and one female child (approximately 10 years old). Also a picture of a woman who is NOT in the family photo. 6. A piece of paper with three phone numbers on it accompanied by initials: D.C. 202 555-2345 L.A. 213 555-3456 S.L. 314 555-4567 7. A card to pay for parking at a Lynx station.
Historical Question: Who was present at the signing of the Declaration of Independence? Source 1: Hollywood movie about the American Revolution made 2001. Source 2: Book written by a famous historian who is an expert on the American Revolution, published in 1999. Which do you trust more? Why?
Historical Question: What was slavery like in South Carolina? Source 1: Interview with former slave in 1936. The interviewer is a black man collecting oral histories for the Federal Writers’ Project. Source 2: Interview with former slave in 1936. The interviewer is a white woman collecting oral histories for the Federal Writers’ Project. Which do you trust more? Why?
Historical Question: What happened at the Battle of Little Bighorn? Source 1: High school history textbook from 1985. Source 2: Newspaper account from the day after the battle in June 1876. Which do you trust more? Why?
Historical Question: What was the layout of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz? Source 1: Interview with 80 year-old Holocaust survivor in 1985. Source 2: Map of concentration camp found in Nazi files. Which do you trust more? Why?
Historical Question: Why were Japanese Americans put in internment camps during WWII? Source 1: Government film explaining internment from 1942. Source 2: Government report on Japanese Internment from 1983 based ondeclassified government documents. Which do you trust more? Why?
Historical Question: Did American soldiers commit atrocities during the Vietnam War in 1969? Source 1: Sworn testimony by American Sergeant in Congressional hearings in 1969. Source 2: Speech by American General touring the United States in 1969. Which do you trust more? Why?